1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Frankly,I would sooner die,than go through what my older friends have gone through,
I took care of my step dad for his last 6 years, diminishing brain, physical capacity,
nursing home, where he didn't recognise anyone, until he was tied down, so he wouldn't
wander off, and finally pneumonia, which slipped him from this world.
Donnie Callahan, a good friend, retired cop, same deal, used to UA him from the nursing home ,
take him to dinner, which he couldn't really eat, but the point was a friend asked , and I did
what he needed. Shit I busted him out the day after I got released from my angioplasty,
Which is still in good shape by the way just had it scoped yesterday. Any way had to call a friend, not
to help with Donnie, but to call the ambulance in case the stitches in my femoral artery let go
while I was pulling his wheelchair up the stairs.Life is a journey, not a destination, segway to
Pat Henry, If you can meet your maker with a clean heart he won't hold your mistakes against you.
Glad to here your'e o.k. George. I know what you mean by the M.C. attitude, I had it with a side order of Lineman attitude.
I'm think I am going to pay dearly for it in my senior years.
Stephen T. give my best to M. Mulcahy, hope to see him in July.
Looks like the temp. in L.A. today is going to break 90. Unfreakingbelievable!
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
George - Glad to hear you are doing better. However, one more episode, and I'm coming over
there and becoming your personal trainer. You will not like that.
Pete - You wrote about the USA supporting Osama and siding with Saddam in the early 80's.
What a surprise you said that. You write so well that it shocks me to see you stealing slogans from
the Anti-War/Anti-American protestors signs. At least you did not use the slogan "war bad, peace good".
As you have mentioned before, the world dynamics changes yearly. Those who were once our allies, can easily
be our enemies tomorrow. Or just the opposite. Just like your Country. 58 years ago we were engaged in a war.
Now, we are friends (I think). Although it is getting harder to see who our allies in Europe are.
And yes, we helped out Saddam in the war against Iran. It was the lesser of two evils at the time.
You will see a movement to remove our troops from Germany within the next year. Our presence there protected
you from becoming Russia. Now that we caused the wall to come down in 1989, it is time to move on. Is this
what Germany wants?
Dave- Can the Lakers beat the Kings tonight? This could be a win that wakes up the sleeping giant.
Steve T. Keep up the frontal attack on Pete, and I will envelope from the flank. This will leave Pete only one option,
surrender and become French.
Feb 5 - Colin Powell will convince the world, and Saddam will take his last crap on the people of Iraq.
Semper Fidelis
Dave, what do you mean taking ourselves too seriously. That's what you get when you start
talking world politics and religion. Very serious conversation. And to tell you the truth there
just isn't enough serious conversation going on in society today. We are told that those views
we espouse are just our opinion, and what makes our opinion any more right than somone elses.

Well, where would the US be today if our founding fathers had kept their opinions to themselves
when they were considering the formation of this great country we live in. I would bet my life, there
was heated debate in those discussions that puts the post on this Blog to shame. Too many today
shy away from serious debate today for fear of offending someone. Well, there really is a right and
wrong in most situations, but the liberals of the world want to color everything gray and say that there
are no absolutes. Horsehuey!!

Remember the great quote from Patrick Henry, "Give me Liberty or Give me death" Well check out the
context in which he phased that great quote.(I copied this next paragraph from something I read recently.)

Patrick Henry, who is called the firebrand of the American Revolution, is still remembered for his words,
"Give me liberty or give me death." But in current textbooks the context of these words is deleted. Here
is what he said: "An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our
battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not to the
strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."

That man knew where he stood and he knew that there are some absolutes that govern this life that we all
have the pleasure of participating in. But today, anytime you start talking absolutes, you quickly find yourself
in the middle of great oppostion. I realize that when talking about world politics as opposed to religion, this
idea of absolutes can almost be thrown out with the bathwater because everyone has an agenda. But the point I
am making is that deep, introspective debate about matters that have influence in all of our lives, directly or indirectly,
is not something that should be shied away from. Just keep it in perspective, and remember that everyone has a
right to their own opinion, no matter how wrong it may be.

Semper Fi
couple of thing to keep in mind, we all know about smoking and BP,
however chronic pain and stress, can elevate BP continually, and progressively.
We're all the same age so get your stuff checked, yeah, I know , I'm the only one not taking care of myself.
I'm basically all right now, if I could just learn to relax.
Personally I think Mik has a tougher row to hoe right now, I don't think I broke his confidence by talking to Dale,
but I think he needs our collective efforts,not to get through it , but to ease the journey. I used to think I
could handle everything, but life has a way of proving me wrong, twice already(LOL) you know what I mean.
Sometimes that MC attitude hurts you." I can do this by myself"
Relax Guys!!!!
You political pundits are taking yourselves way
too serious. Reminds me of the barrack debates
of the early 80's.....LOL
Yeah George!!!!! Good to hear you are OK
Start taking better care of yourself Bucko....


I walk ,I breathe , I'm OK, BP now 146 /74, as oppossed to 213/134, what a world of difference,
no heart damage, Thank you guys for the concern, cell phones get blocked in Hospitals,
It screws with their telemetry


Do not sign me up for any fights. However, maybe a Sgt Goviea and wild boar rematch should top the ticket.
If I can attend, you can bet I will not talk politics at the reunion. I'm sure there must be other subjects worth talking about.
Naw, I think I will just corner Pete and go for it. I'm much better one on one then typing my thoughts.
Speaking of thoughts, why is the German GOV so against removing Saddam, and so anti-American, Pete? Do the good
citizens of Germany feel this way, or is the leader still trying to gain more popularity?
I remember hearing Pete play the piano at the church on Hansen. I have to admit, I was amazed at how well you played. By the way, the church is still there and has not changed at all.
I think GW hit a homerun last night with his speech. Touched on many areas that will affect most Americans. Damn, I'm proud to be a member of the GOP.
Did I read Steve wants some beer? A bunch of Marines drinking beer - What a surprise. Count me in for the first round.
Semper Fidelis


Me and Blow would be considered elder abuse. LOL
Blows too old and I'm too good looking! LOL


WOW!!! A lot to read but interesting none the less.
I fully expect you guys to be running your
prospective countries in the not too distant future.
I'll keep my opinions to myself on politics, race,
religion, etc. but suffice to say that all that I am I
owe to the USMC an those who served by my side.
I am at once a part of all of you and you of me. I became
a man in your presence and most of the time with your help.
My debt to the Dragons, both individually and collectively is immeasurable.
I will carry memories of those days to my grave.

Enough mush! Raiders friggin lost and I'm waxing sentimental.
You guys have a good week and Pete When I come to Europe
I plan to take you up on that offer to visit! LOL

Semper Fi


I think any voting member of the United Nations needs to read the dragon blog in order to get "the word".
I throw in the hat, the Raiders are getting bombed. Its a good thing a bought a new Bose Home Theatre system 28 yesterday.
The smooth sound makes me forget about the game. This is the first time in my life I bought a good quality system.
Life is getting interesting here on the rock. Keep your eye on North Korea.

WW I had different uniforms
I guess there is a reason why I'm not in charge of the world, anyway I stand by my statement ,it's one sentence ,
you can't insert punctuation for the purpose of countering the statment.
By the way, I removed some of the larger pictues and the Blog seems to have narrowed,
if people will use their "enter" button a bit more often, I think we can keep it screen sized.
Also my grandfather was an SS tank commander who fought his countries enemies from the beginning,
til he ran out of gas on the eastern front, then he walked home, where he surrendered to the US
and then spent til 1950 in a russian POW camp. He was a policeman before the war.
His sister-in -law, oma's sister, who was married to a politician, thereby a nazi, hid jews in her attic.
those same jews survived the war and returned to Germany to speak on her behalf so she could get a widow's pension,
after the brave russians flooded the hospitals and air raid shelters when they got to their part of Berlin.
The shelters were located under ground and thousands of non-combatents were killed, including her husband.

Also no one can get me in hot water but me. My ancestors fought gallantly for the flag they were born under
and some died in their service.They did make or neccessarily expose their countries positions, but they
did what all men under arms are supposed to do, put their lives in peril when the situation requires it.
Just a few points The EU is not a country with a democratically electcted government,
it is an organisation created to make money ( and there by take the skim off the top)

The photo is of Rudolf Roemer, my Oma's Brother,who died during WWII , fighting for his country,
you wouldn't have expected him to fight for ours?
I have respect for any man who fights for his country ............be back later
by the way Pete, as far as I know, The current German Government Started In a borrowed office
,with my mother (justr a secretary) and two guys,TRUTH as I know it.
I'm watching Colin Powell now, live. This man is a Statesman, He has my respect.
Further, despite my german forebarers( so kill me for spelling) Fact of the matter is....
The United States Of America has save more lives in other cuntries ( did that on purpose)
than any Power on this planet.
The facts are: money makes the world go round, If L.A. drug dealers switches from Mercedes to Volvos
(like thats going to happen)(Volvos are like a liesure suit,, spelling again) Germany would have a big Problem
Pete, if you smoke a pipe and drive a Volvo, don't tell me
The facts are ,every europeon( you can only kill me once for spelling)lives in a place that has oppressed
somebody, so shut the fuck up.

I'm cranky , so? shoot me first
This USA has done more for every other state in the world ,than anyone,
the world is at relative peace only because of the Big Dawg's shadow
remove the USA , and we can go back a few centuries
factually, shit is better with us (US) in charge than it's ever been prior
And finally...................GO RAIDERS


did you all discover coffee on the same day?
One of the finest books ever published,
It will blow you away!
Hey Steve B.I'm the Asst. W/C on daywatch now.
If you ever make it down to the Civic Center Area we're on for lunch!
Unless something dramatic is going on I can take it at my leisure.
What are your off days? I am W/C on sats.and it's usually slow.
I'm currently waiting to close escrow on a home in Rialto,(a 4br 2ba w/pool & jacuzzi),
and will be throwing a helluva pool party in april/may if all goes well,
though I do hate the commute, I'm getting it for an outragiously low price under the Oficer next door

Damn Steven T. what an impressive pedigree. LOL. Reminds me of Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump.LOL
You Da Man!!!!!!

Andy & Pete> You guys get 5 minutes apiece at the reunion for a political idealogy debate and that's it.
Big Bill Weidow will referee and we'll all choose sides accordingly.
Then you both must SWEAR under oath not so talk politics in the presence of others for the rest of the weekend. LOL
JUST KIDDING GUYS!!!!!! As if you could pull it off anyway....LOL
Well I'm at work and duty calls.
Semper Fi,
My Brothers

PS George, We all appreciate your hard work in keeping this train rolling. Thanx and keep up the
good work. (You too Dale!)

Your man sold his soul to win the election. On GW's worst day he is at 59%

With two important regional elections next month, the German leader had tried to use opposition to war
against Iraq at a rally this week to boost his flagging support. But his ploy, which worked so well in the
German elections last September, has failed to impress a public growing impatient for structural changes to revive the economy.
A new opinion poll showed backing for the chancellor's SPD had fallen to 25 per cent
the lowest figure in the 26 years the poll has been conducted.
By contrast the survey for ZDF television showed support for the opposition Christian Democrats and its
Bavarian sister party the CSU stood at 56 per cent, while the environmentalist Greens scored 10 per cent.


Great post Steve. You truly are a family of American heroes. Your family has heavily contributed
to the greatness of our Country.
Theo - I hope the back gets better and I'm inspired by your ability to run with your injury.
Knowing you are hurting but still running, makes me feel like a wimp when I take a day off for
a minor pain.
Pete - I could say a lot, but I believe all the American newspapers are saying plenty in regards
to Germany and France. Hopefully, your anti American leader of Germany will realize that votes
are not everything. The world will be watching and hold those accountable who choose to turn
a blind eye to what is happening.
Last but not least, go RAIDERS.
Oh yeah, thanks George
"Thank you George" It is a good thing you have done giving us this toy to play with.

Let me second your request for the long winded folks to start using their enter key
every once in while. It is a real pain scrolling back and forth to read every word. And I
do want to read every word, so I'll continue scolling until everybody gets with the program.

Everyone, 'Have a good weekend'
It's an amazing thing, communication. It truly is a gift you have given us George.
Sure hope you can make it in July, Andy. Just would'nt be the same without you.
Stephen T.- looks like I may be in the Portland area round about April, maybe
we could get together this time, I swear we must have past eachother last time,
I could'nt believe we missed it by that much!
Thanks for the sympothy Pete, it ain't all bad. Actually life is good, but now that
the invinciblity of youth has vanished there is more kriptonite to dodge.
Dave, 213-792-8285 new work cell. Lincoln Heights, Dodger Stadium Area. Lunch?
"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies,
the filthiest minds, the highest morale,
and the lowest morals of any animal I have ever seen.
Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!"
Eleanor Roosevelt,1945
Say "thank You George" you guys are finally playing with your presents
this is what I mean by not writing to the end of the page. Hit the Enter
button every once and awhile so the post isn't so wide. Width is based on the photos
that have been posted, and text will expand to those lengths unless typed differently.
I'm pleased to see this forum being used as I originally hoped.
took you guys a while but , it's all good, Don't ya think?


As far as the strife in the middle east goes, some might posit that it is just the continual struggle between
Issac and Ishmael. The child of promise, and the other one. A problem never to be resolved because they
both believe with the same fervancy that their position is supported by The Almighty. But to say I believe that
would bring religion into the debate, and that's the other no-no of pleasant conversation isn't it.
(Although I never have been one to shy away from stating my opinion.)

Its good to hear that most of you still PT. I got my early motivation from Sgt's Gil and Goviea. Those that went to Kangaroo 2 remember the amount of PT we did with the madman in getting ready for the deployment. That has stayed with me all these years. I've been blessed with no serious injuries. At 45, I still run 35-45 miles every week and hit the weights 4 times a week. I'm convinced that staying in shape is the fountain of youth. I can still run in the 18's and on a good day break 18:00.

Pete, I remember you as a very serious thinker. I find it hard to belive that you have fallen for the internet myth that the Jews had advanced warning of the towers attack. Do you also believe that the president only wants war for the oil?

I will try my best to be in PA for the gathering.

Proud to be a Dragon,

Semper Fidelis
Hey George,
I guess we're going to have to make a POLITICAL BLOG for all these world event enthusiasts.
I just keep it simple. As long as Andy has the Corps under control, I feel secure. I'll take care of my area
of responsibility. Politics always bring about a caldron of debate and as I am not as well versed as some in the politcal
ramifacations of the middle east, I shall refrain from joining the fray. I do learn a lot reading the rhetoric put out by you political pundits.
Keep up the good work.
Greetings to all,
I'm still alive and well. Spending alot of time on the computer @ work these days so I don't feel the need to
play with the home comp. I have'nt checked my e-mail in at least a month, that's going to be an all day affair.
As I said in the beginning I will be in Philly in July come Hell or High water. (I may even bring along a broken down 81mm Morterman)
Getting old is a Bitch, just got the results from an MRI. Severe central stenosis with cord effacement at the
C5-6 and C6-7 levels due to broad based disc protrusion. Years of climbing power poles catching up with me.
Might just have to have some back surgery,but only as a last resort.
Still manage to run 3 miles, 3 days a week. I can't seem to make it much faster than 25 mins. running never was my forte.
I'll be back
Pete, I know you are a good hearted man. But, I'm shocked to find out that you, as a German Citizen, do not like Jews.

George - Is this short enough???


Hey, you don't have to write 'til the end of the page.
Just heard from Micheal J Sanders, PH 904-779-5268
He'll be there
Our main task in Afghan was to remove the Taliban and free the people. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Also, we sent the terrorists into hiding. Yes, we are winning the war on terror. It may not make the headlines, but they are going down one by one. They are cowards who hide amongst the people. We have removed their access to their money and they are unable to fund much these days. You have to believe that the crazies of the world want to attack the USA. Have any incidents happened since 11 Sep? Sounds like progress to me.

We already have the authority from the UN to enforce the regulations Iraq agreed to after their defeat in 91. We do not need any additional authorization from the UN. We have the moral authority and we will win on all fronts. Who really cares what the French and the Germans have to say. We do not need any permission from those countries. (Sorry Pete) What would make this a dominating victory would be to reassemble the Dragons of 1/9 then all hell would break loose.

What are we going to do in Iraq? 75,000 of my buddies are part of a much larger force who are poised to administer a huge butt whooping. All of them have decided to bring a gun to the show. Some of them will bring really big guns. Some of them will ride there on a big boat with even bigger guns. Some of them will fly there and bring some really big bullets. All of them will be there to enforce justice to a crazy man. A man who does not care about his people, only about power. A man who has killed 1.5 million Muslims in his reign of terror. A man who is in a futile search for WMD to kill even more innocent people. This mans biggest mistake was to underestimate my boss and your President. My boss is from a state that likes really big guns. He also believes in the rule of law and cares about suffering people around the world. He also cares about worms. They need to eat. And as sure as these worms are feeding on Osama, they will have a taste of Saddam soon.

The simple answer Dale is: The biggest Gun Club in the world is about to unleash a power that has never been seen before. The weapons of today make the last Gulf war look like cap guns. The USA will lead partners for peace to rid the world of one really big garbage man.

Semper Fidelis
I'm still coming and I may bring a guest.
Yeah Dale I was about 170lbs tops during my TOD but now tip the scales at 265lbs.
Sgt.life is getting me soft though. I gotta get back in the gym too.
Don't want to show up to the reunioun all doughy and stuff. LOL

Semper Fi Brothers,

Thanks for all the pictures Pete. That sure looks like some beautiful country you're living in
Great Pictrue of you and Norm, Dave. I still marvel at how much beefier you are now. What'd you tip the scales at when you were active duty, 175?

Tighten up Steve, the return to my former excellent state of physical fitness has begun ( lol - I had to type lower case cause I believe there is
more truth than fiction in that statement, but only time will tell) Pictures will be forthcoming. I'll show you my 30, 60, and 90 day progression.
One of those miracle transformations you always read about. I sure wish we were only doing crunches when I was doing PFT's for a living.
I hated those full situps. 62 was the most I ever did.

Tell me Andy, "What is it exactly that the US is going to do over in the middle east?" The talk seems to have changed from get Osama
to get Saddam. Who are we attacking, the Iraqi's or the Afghans ? Wasn't it the people of Afganistan who kicked Russia from one mountain
to another and back again ? I'm just looking for some understanding and thought you might be able to shed some light. Summarize please.

Has anyone called and made your reservations in Philly yet? Only six months and four days till we meet again. All you folks who are online
and reading this stuff need to make your presence known. Are you coming or not? Has the excitement of the moment passed and the more
you think about it the less you want to come? Six months is not a very long time and we need to get some kind of count so we know how
many to plan for. I have 16-20 bodies on the count so far, and that includes children and spouses. Only 9 Marines have responded. If you
are coming let us know as soon as possible.


I met him last friday at a function. Pretty nice guy but I thought he was taller. I actually get to meet quite a few celebrities and have quite a photo collection though not as many as I could have.
Hey George, long time no hear from. I'm gonna call you this week. Send me your phone #.

Semper Fi to all and have a productive week.



I'm glad you are still breathing George.
Dave - How did you meet Norm Nixon? If I remember correctly, he was traded for Wilkes?
Where are the rest of the Dragons? To busy?
Go Raiders - Raiders 35 - Tampa 17

Semper Fidelis


Still Breathing
Hey Boots, try Oct. 78' . I remember Sgt. Serrano, the self proclaimed prettiest DI on PI.
Andy here is a photo of me and former Laker great Norm Nixon. I send this as I watch LA in OT against Ming & the rockets. Keep your head low and your powder dry there Sgt. Maj.

Where's Blow? BC e-mailed me and is doing fine. Semper Fi All



My last post was directed at Pete not Steve. Poor Pete, never gets credit for a post. Besides, if I remember right, Steve came in in mar of 79. BIG BOOT.

Dave - Could it be that the lakers are back - 5 in a row


Steve- Jan 1979? What a boot. I came in in Dec 78.......Last month I went over 24 years in our Corps. Only sad thing is I can only be a Marine for 6 more years. If I manage to not get into any trouble between now and then, I figured out I will be in the top 15 seniority wise of all enlisted Marines on active duty. Not bad for a scrub from Dragons. However, there is no doubt in my mind that several other Dragons would have done the same had they stayed in. I'm just proud to know so many former active duty Marines are doing so well in the civilian world. Sometimes I wonder what I would be doing had I got out. But, when I do get out, I got the perfect job lined up that is no STRESS. You all know that guy who waves at all customers who walk into a Wal-Mart???? I want to be his assistant.

Semper Fidelis


I mean Pete!
Nice trip down memory lane Andy!

Semper Fi


I lost my points on the run - 19:05. I've had hamstring problems over the last few years. I run 5-7 miles every day and lift weights 4 times a week. Not bad for a 45 years old. Situps were replaced 5 years ago. We now have to do 100 crunches in 2 minutes for max points (very easy). Also, pullups changed, No kipping allowed. Straight up and straight down, no swinging the body.

The Presidents plan will stimulate long term growth. Double taxation has been a sham for years and the Bush team finally will remove that. This plan has tax breaks for married couples, higher deductions for having kids, child care credits, education credits, and will accelerate the tax cuts from 2001. Basically its a Democraps worst nightmare - Its a plan that helps all Americans who pay taxes. He even pushed to extend unemployment benefits for those that have a "tough" time in finding work. This great leader of ours has vision and the DEMS have the same old lines that will not work. The race card, and the class war are getting old. The President will win with over 60% of the vote next year.
Now, if only he could ban the ACLU. ENOUGH POLITICS

Semper Fidelis Marines


Steve - Good to hear from you. Just for you, I ran another PFT this morning and scored a 293. I had 19 Straight 300's from 89-99, but age does catch up. Everyone likes the new cammies, but they are a hard item to buy. Once word is out that a shipment has arrived on island, they line up the day before to buy them.

Carson Palmer - The real deal, and highly deserved his trophy - USC - Hottest team in the nation and if there was a playoff system would be number one.
I dont even want to talk about my LA Fakers.

I just heard the presidents economic speech, good times for all. Finally a plan that will benefit those who pay taxes.

NEWS FLASH: All Wall Marts and K-Marts have been closed in IRAQ - They have been replaced by Targets.

Semper Fidelis Marines


Hope all have a great weekend!


18 Months is to long on the island for my daughter - She is turning okinawan


That is a picture of the rock group MEDUSA guitar player. I believe that Mikee and Otto are just out of view of the camera and they were polishing his guitar. Those two often kissed butt at the club Harbor Light - Anything for a free drink.
Hey Andy, Who were you rubbing your nose at this time ?

And why is that guy pointing at your right ear anyway ?
Would sombody tell this lady to stop drinking. I think she's gonna explode! ! ! !
Hey Andy, what's it cost to get your laundry done these days ?


Nice post Dale. Glad you played it safe on New Years Eve. We let out 9 year old daughter have 4 of her girlfriends spend the night. Did any of you ever try to sleep with 5 young girls hyped on sugar and giggling all night? Finally, by 0300, they were all asleep, including me. But, as usual, I get a call from the duty at 0415 informing me of a DWI. No sleep that night.

I will try my best to be at the reunion.

Hope all had a safe New Years Eve party. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Alright Andy, just for you I am posting and making my presence known. I am still here and read
the Blogger often, I just don't have much to say sometimes.

Go Dawgs!!! They are having a great season. First one since Hershal Walker was around.

I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. We spent a nice quiet evening over
at some friends home. We just spent the night so we wouldn't have to venture out on the roads
late when the crazies were out. Both the boys stayed with friends so we could have a night out.

Three more days will be the twentieth anniversary of my end of active service. It almost doesn't
seem possible that it's been that long.

Only six months, twenty four days and a wake up till the Reuniion. I hope everyone is getting
their vacation requests in nice and early if you have to do that kind of thing. I'm starting on my
new diet and fitness program next week. I promise. Don't want to show up in Philly with a
construction profile that everyone talks about behind my back. See ya in July