1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


I lost my points on the run - 19:05. I've had hamstring problems over the last few years. I run 5-7 miles every day and lift weights 4 times a week. Not bad for a 45 years old. Situps were replaced 5 years ago. We now have to do 100 crunches in 2 minutes for max points (very easy). Also, pullups changed, No kipping allowed. Straight up and straight down, no swinging the body.

The Presidents plan will stimulate long term growth. Double taxation has been a sham for years and the Bush team finally will remove that. This plan has tax breaks for married couples, higher deductions for having kids, child care credits, education credits, and will accelerate the tax cuts from 2001. Basically its a Democraps worst nightmare - Its a plan that helps all Americans who pay taxes. He even pushed to extend unemployment benefits for those that have a "tough" time in finding work. This great leader of ours has vision and the DEMS have the same old lines that will not work. The race card, and the class war are getting old. The President will win with over 60% of the vote next year.
Now, if only he could ban the ACLU. ENOUGH POLITICS

Semper Fidelis Marines