Thanks for all the pictures Pete. That sure looks like some beautiful country you're living in
Great Pictrue of you and Norm, Dave. I still marvel at how much beefier you are now. What'd you tip the scales at when you were active duty, 175?
Tighten up Steve, the return to my former excellent state of physical fitness has begun ( lol - I had to type lower case cause I believe there is
more truth than fiction in that statement, but only time will tell) Pictures will be forthcoming. I'll show you my 30, 60, and 90 day progression.
One of those miracle transformations you always read about. I sure wish we were only doing crunches when I was doing PFT's for a living.
I hated those full situps. 62 was the most I ever did.
Tell me Andy, "What is it exactly that the US is going to do over in the middle east?" The talk seems to have changed from get Osama
to get Saddam. Who are we attacking, the Iraqi's or the Afghans ? Wasn't it the people of Afganistan who kicked Russia from one mountain
to another and back again ? I'm just looking for some understanding and thought you might be able to shed some light. Summarize please.
Has anyone called and made your reservations in Philly yet? Only six months and four days till we meet again. All you folks who are online
and reading this stuff need to make your presence known. Are you coming or not? Has the excitement of the moment passed and the more
you think about it the less you want to come? Six months is not a very long time and we need to get some kind of count so we know how
many to plan for. I have 16-20 bodies on the count so far, and that includes children and spouses. Only 9 Marines have responded. If you
are coming let us know as soon as possible.
Great Pictrue of you and Norm, Dave. I still marvel at how much beefier you are now. What'd you tip the scales at when you were active duty, 175?
Tighten up Steve, the return to my former excellent state of physical fitness has begun ( lol - I had to type lower case cause I believe there is
more truth than fiction in that statement, but only time will tell) Pictures will be forthcoming. I'll show you my 30, 60, and 90 day progression.
One of those miracle transformations you always read about. I sure wish we were only doing crunches when I was doing PFT's for a living.
I hated those full situps. 62 was the most I ever did.
Tell me Andy, "What is it exactly that the US is going to do over in the middle east?" The talk seems to have changed from get Osama
to get Saddam. Who are we attacking, the Iraqi's or the Afghans ? Wasn't it the people of Afganistan who kicked Russia from one mountain
to another and back again ? I'm just looking for some understanding and thought you might be able to shed some light. Summarize please.
Has anyone called and made your reservations in Philly yet? Only six months and four days till we meet again. All you folks who are online
and reading this stuff need to make your presence known. Are you coming or not? Has the excitement of the moment passed and the more
you think about it the less you want to come? Six months is not a very long time and we need to get some kind of count so we know how
many to plan for. I have 16-20 bodies on the count so far, and that includes children and spouses. Only 9 Marines have responded. If you
are coming let us know as soon as possible.
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