1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


I just got confirmation about George, He just called and said he
will be checking out to go home this afternoon. He says the doctors
tell him he probably has the least damage to his heart that a person
could have following a heart attack. Say a prayer for him as he
will need extra strength and resolve as he makes the attempt to give
up the smokes. The doctor says they got to go. You can do it George.
If my old man can put them down cold turkey after smoking for over fifty
years, you can do it after only twenty some years. Take care of yourself,
people are depending on you.

Semper Fi
I'm assuming that those shots were taken on the bike trip, Pete?
Beautiful scenery. Makes me want to get out my Schwinn and fly
over to Germany. Well, maybe not. The left knee probably wouldn't
like that very much. It still isn't totally healed from the surgery.

Last I heard concerning George he is doing better. He might be going
home today. I called and talked to him on Tuesday for just a
few minutes. He sounded pretty tired but said he was doing okay.
He is probably going to be out of work for a few weeks. That of course
isn't a good thing when you are self-employed.

Things are going well here on the Georgia Front. Football finished up for the
Freshman last week. Trevor got in on five special team plays in the last game. Three
kick off returns, two of which he was actually the reciever the ball came to, and he punted
once and kicked off once. It was a nice finish to the season for him after not getting
any real play time the rest of the season, only two plays at the end of the first game.
I think he'll come back for more next year, probably 15-20 lbs heavier than now.
He is going thru puberty and growing like a weed.

Take Care and have a great weekend. OOHRAH !!


Any new news on George?
I do hope he is recovering nicely by now.
Dale: How are the boys doing?
Andy: Laker in- fighting again? What are we to do?
Sulli: When You gonna blog?
Nelson: Your wife must be a saint to put up with you... LOL
Steve B.: Let's do lunch.....
Steve T.: How's it going.
Big Dow: Check in some time.
Pete: How are things going in your world?
Gotta run. I'll add the rest of you guys later!!!!!!!



Hang in there George.
We Love You and care deeply for you.
You are in our prayers.

God Bless & Semper FI
Read below for the latest on George. I had this waiting on me when I got to work this morning.

Hi Dale,

It's Karen. I was going to call you but when I looked at the clock it was after 11. I don't know how to do this other than to just say it. Ron had a heart attack on Sun about 2:45pm. Right now he is in ICCU. He had to have an emergency angioplasty because one of his stints failed. I don't know which happened first. The EMT's zapped him twice in the ambulance. We are only 5minutes from the hospital. I was at the mall when he called to say he had dialed 911. He was alright when I left him. When I got there I had to talk to some "priest" first. It scared the crap out of me. He looked like total shit. I think he'll be ok. I'm glad I was at the mall. I hate the mall. I never go there. But if I was at home I think he would have died as I drove him to the hospital because I don't think we would have called an ambulance. I would have drove him and I don't keep a heart zapper in my truck. Even if I did I haven't been trained in driving and zapping. Keep him in your thoughts because I know how much you mean to him.

Love to you and your family,

Karen K


Hey Steve B.,
I see Simi is now on fire. Is everything OK in your "Hood"... LOL. Fire missed Rialto Thank God, but the ash fallout is outrageous. My pool looks like a mudbowl.

As for the rest of you Leathernecks. A line or two occasionally won't kill you. Keep in touch and as usual, Semper Fi!!!!!!!!!!


Some people should stay on the ground



I hope everyone has a good week!


This years winner


Hope everyone has a productive week.
Good to hear from you Nelson, Glad all is well. Muzzle Loading deer hunting? Must be nice!!!!


Like I know how this works


Someone has to be whining

Puking Pumpkin

Back by Popular Demand
Some how. I think this may be better for California
than it will be for Arnold. We'll see.
Hey Andy , I'm ok.



Dave - Thanks, but it is me that is proud to have known
all of you. I guess I was to crazy to get out, and decided
to stick with it. Mine has been the easy road. All of you were
great Marines on active duty, and
continue to be Marines no longer active. You all had to
prove yourself in CIVDIV and have done outstanding.
And, I know you are proud of how well your
boys are doing in sports. It must be that
outstanding role model they have for a Dad.
George - how is your health?
Steve B - How is the office job?
Once again Andy Paul,
I'm proud to have served with you!

Semper Fi


George - I guess you are to old for me to assign you to EPD
for attaching my BIO on this web site. At least those that are tired when they read it will have no problem falling asleep.

Fellow dragons - Please take the time to say a little
prayer for that great American - EL Rushbo - MR Limbaugh to Hennecke.



be glad we served so people can do this


Dave, I am going to be in Sacramento on a house boat for about a week but I will call you after that.
Good to know you guys are still out there. I was starting to worry.
Hey Steve B. Let me know when/if you want to do lunch. I can do a "post check" out in Van Nuys,(I am the field sergeant on day watch!) and take my lunch out there.
The Bomer boys are killing in football. 2 starting running backs and one helluva tight end as well as starting on defense. 2 of them are kickers as well, (I taught them that too!) My eldest son, the tight end/middle linebacker already has a fan club and is known in the south bay area as "The Big Show". Already 5'10", 137lbs, and wearing a size 13 shoe and 6 touchdown in 3 games. High scool coaches are already showing an interest. Check them out at pacific coast youth football.com their team is the Inglewood Seminoles.

Semper FI and
Go "Noles"

If you want to feel young again go to your mother's 50th high school reunion. I just got back from Chicago
and feel like a kid. Mom is in a wheel chair and needed an escort, it was actually quite a good time.
Met a couple of Korea era Marines with incredible stories, one stepped on a mine and has quite
a few scars to show for it. He also has one of the best outlooks on life of anyone I have ever met.
It is truly an amazing brotherhood we belong to.
Semer Fi