1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


What are we going to do in Iraq? 75,000 of my buddies are part of a much larger force who are poised to administer a huge butt whooping. All of them have decided to bring a gun to the show. Some of them will bring really big guns. Some of them will ride there on a big boat with even bigger guns. Some of them will fly there and bring some really big bullets. All of them will be there to enforce justice to a crazy man. A man who does not care about his people, only about power. A man who has killed 1.5 million Muslims in his reign of terror. A man who is in a futile search for WMD to kill even more innocent people. This mans biggest mistake was to underestimate my boss and your President. My boss is from a state that likes really big guns. He also believes in the rule of law and cares about suffering people around the world. He also cares about worms. They need to eat. And as sure as these worms are feeding on Osama, they will have a taste of Saddam soon.

The simple answer Dale is: The biggest Gun Club in the world is about to unleash a power that has never been seen before. The weapons of today make the last Gulf war look like cap guns. The USA will lead partners for peace to rid the world of one really big garbage man.

Semper Fidelis