1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Good Day Dragons,
The business of standardized testing is still going strong.  It is very much a recession proof business, because no matter what happens to the economy, parents always want to do right by their kids.  Some people also see a bad economy as a reason to go back to school.  
George, as you know I have been fighting a very rare form of arthritis for a long time now.  I had to decide a long time ago that I was not going to let it keep me down.  I wake up every day in excruciating pain, which does not go away.  When I finally pass out at the end of the day, is the only time that I have any kind of relief.  So I can certainly empathize with what you are going through.  One benefit of my current job is that it keeps my mind on the students and the tests, and off the pain.  I seem to be able to mentally compartmentalize a lot of things now, so I try to ignore it as long as possible every day. 
Nelson, I enjoyed the pictures on Face-book of your children.  They must have one drop dead gorgeous Mom, because I think we all know they didn't get those good looks from you !!!  Hey JK!  Glad to hear you came through the surgery and things are looking up.
Andy, I'm proud and happy for you that you got your children off to college.  Way to go!!!   I hope for their sake that they don't get stuck with some wacko professor who thinks he or she needs to infect them with some radical way of thinking about life or this country.   But I'm sure that between you and Connie you've prepared them well for that kind of nonsense. 
Everyone else, I'll have to single you out on a subsequent post, need to get back to my student and his test.  Until next time,
Semper FI!
P.S.  Don't forget to vote!!!  Once again, our country is depending on us to do the right thing!


something I saw today

A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check Made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in This country who no longer understand it.'

Let's Try This Some More

Greetings Dragons and 81's,

It is with mixed emotions that I realise that it took the death of a Dragon to get most of us off our ass and resume communicating. A few of you have indicated a desire to Blog at this site, I'll be sending out invitations again. The e-mail you recieve will be from Blogger not me. It doesn't ask for any "real " information....thats one of the reasons I picked this service way back when,
when you had to pay for it.

Reunion News:

There will be one this coming summer. Mik is doing the Organising.There will be NO voting because it doesn't produce a result. there will be announcement from Mik within a couple of weeks with the timeline. What you all can do is help with a contact list, I'm sending this as an e-mail as well as a Blog post, check the addresses I sent it to, against what you have. and e-mail me back at nomorks@yahoo.com with any updates or omissions.
Semper Fi,