1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


" Maybe, just once, someone will call me ' Sir ', without adding ' you're making a scene' "......Homer Simpson, modern day prophet
Drs. Ben Dover, and C.Howett Fields, Proctologists


He's in dire need of some Bends and Thrusts!!!!


Bad Halloween Costume


Hello Troops,
ANother day another injury. This time running pass patterns with my sons. Maybe this is Gods way of telling me to sit down and relax for a while. So that's what I did all weekend. Not like I had much choice. Heard my knee pop and knew I would be out of action for a while. My youngest sons team is still undefeated!!! He made two touchdowns and two conversions. Not bad!!!!!! Good one S.Estes..LOL I'll remember that!!!!!!
You guys be careful and stay safe.

Semper Fi,


for some reason I'm having "operator Difficulty" bear with me
Hey guys,... never mind
gotta change the pixel setting in my camera, huh?
Here's another Joke


Greetings from the Rock,

Been gone for awhile, and busy in between. Nice logo from HS BN 3D FSSG. I'm MRB BN, 3d FSSG. It used to be two BN's, but 3 years ago they combined Maintenance BN and Supply BN into MRB. VERY BIG BN.
Its good to see there as been regular posts on this work of art by George.
I see some comments on politics. Do not get me started. I watch all the political shows, and just got Sean Hannitys book "Let Freedom Ring", and a book by Ann Coulter. I guess you could say I'm a staunch Republican.
Its 0430, and I'm getting ready for my daily 6 mile run. Its getting harder and harder to go out and run, but I'm still under 18 minutes for my PFT - Mainly due to lots of super glue and advil.
Semper Fidelis my fellow Marines.
Well its Wednesday morning and the rain is stopping here today. It came down all day long
yesterday. No complaining though since Georgia is in the middle of a three year drought.

Who wants to bet that the sniper in DC is more than just a lunatic on a power trip?

I like that picture with the Don't drink and Fly link, George. Nice 'dress' the lady is wearing.
Do you think the guy across the aisle bothered trying to take a nap?

I think I'll try to post a picture or two of my finished kitchen here soon. I've got them
taken but haven't downloaded from the camera yet.

When baseball season is over with the boys, end of this month, I am going to see about
putting some links concerning Philly on the Dragons Website. I realize you all can surf
on your own but it never hurts to have a central location to start at.


Hey every one, before you try to post, make sure you still have a post button,I upgraded this thing over the weekend, and Mik's post button disappeared, just a matter of redoing it,so e-mail me if there is any problems


to all of you , the upgrade is in place, with minimal effort you can all publish photos to the blog,plus links to other webpages, we're golden
you made it Kiddo
To all others--I am still breathing and able to blog. Maybe next time I will actually have something of substance to pass on.
I think I can finally post George
It's amazing what a few cups of coffee, and staying up all night can accomplish,check out the handy-work, click on the high-lighted words
trying something else, click the highlighted wordSgtMaj , I think I'm getting the hang of this


Welcome to Blogger Pro ,Plus 25, and some other stuff, you can now upload pictures to the blogger,try to make em normal size or else you will end up with that huge thing that I got on my first try. that hyperlink thing always worked , just didn't figure it out til today
is that better?
Damm that's frightining ,I guess I have to make it smaller some how,havn't figured that out yet
that would be the shit eating grin from a few days back
( there was a huge picture here ,but I took it out cuz it made the blog sooooo wide it was hard to read)
just trying something else.....
Just trying something, click this garycraig, oh yes..... just learned some thing new, it works*imagine big shit eating grin*
Politics is a sorry subject these days, especially in Ca. where your only choice for Gov. is pathetic and worse.
The fact that the Pres. has to ask everyone and thier mother for permission to do anything is pathetic.
And we've got a wacko with a rifle who thinks he is God. He could at least be a little more selective about his target aquisition, maybe get rid of some scum before he gets a shot of fatal lead poisioning.
...this has been another episode of 30 second world update with Theo.
How much do you really know about your favorite weapon of anti-tankness?
1. What is the min. & max. range of the M47?
2. What is the approx. weight of the weapon when mated to the tracker? (lbs. or kgs. are acceptable)
3. What is the min. & max. operating temperature of the M47? (centigrade or fahrenheit is acceptable)
4.What is the approx. length of the round? (cm. or in. are acceptable)
5. The 1" warhead band found toward the front of the weapon is what color on an M222?
what color on an M223?
6 What is the differance between an M222 & M223?
7. Where is the humidity indicator located? What are the 3 numbers on the indicator?

That is all,
have a good weekend


Politics??? Being one of the people who actualy watched most of the Watergate hearings, saw much of Iran-Contra, and felt ready to puke during the Clinton Debacle, I've had to refrain from watching politicians at work. Hypertension is not good for me. Now If I want to watch poeple be fools, I click on Springer for a minute, just to remind me how many dummies there are, and to see who the Pols are representing. Then it makes sense......Government is a reflection of the people who vote, a lot of dummies must vote. too bad Sam Nunn , Dan Inoyue, and Daniel Patrick Moynahan are no longer in service, you didn't have to agree with them, but at least they were articulate and informed.
Glad to see you back in ST


Wow , been a while since I logged on. My how time flies. Talked to Curtis a few days ago and he's doing fine.
All is well here. My boys are doing great in football. All starters. I got hurt at the end of a foot pursuit last nite. Only a slight shoulder injury but I'm starting to think maybe the office ain't a bad place to be(ala Steve B.) LOL. Getting too old to be the hero, although it sure is fun while it's going down. Take care Brothers and keep me in your prayers. Remember fools rush in .......... LOL

Semper Fidelis



Your right about mortality Dale, it's very prominent around here latley. I don't know what is going on but the accident rate has'nt been this high since the days of stopping @ the liquor store on the way to the job. I hate to say it but I am glad to be out of the field. I don't think I could handle one of my men not going home at the end of the day.
Any way looking forward to the reunion, may even be able to drag a 81 to Philly w/ me.
Talked to Mik Last night on the phone, says we'll have the name of a hotel by Thanksgiving


There must not be much going on in the lives of all 'us guys' The date
stamp says it's been a week since anybody has posted to this thing. Whaz up dudes?

The kitchen is done except for nailing down all the floor trim. It looks mighty fine
if I do say so myself. It always feels good to get a big successful project behind you.

We need to get Mik on the ball if the reunion is going to be in PA next year. Let's start an email campaign and
get this ball rolling down hill a little faster. Or am I just being anxious?


Hope you guys like the new look.It was the only way I figured out to fix it.
Could use an update reunion-wise


Good morning gentlemen,

Sometimes I forget to look at this thing for while and then have to go back and catch up.
That was quite a lot you had to say grandpa Theo. It does jolt you with a taste of mortality
when a man dies on the job. It's good to hear you have climbed your way into an office job.
It sure is a lot safer in a chair then on a pole.

I'm going up to serve lunch at the Annual Retiree's BBQ today. I haven't decided if I want to stick
around this place long enough to get into that group. I guess I'll hang out until something better
comes along anyway.

Got both boys playing fall baseball. Sure keeps a man busy for eight weeks.
How about them Braves!!! Division playoffs start Wednesday at 1:05