1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Yeah, It's me

What's up Leathernecks?
welcome aboard Greg. I hope you and your Dragon Brothers link up with us and continue this thing we've started. The more the better. I'm still trying to round up the West Coast faction for more ideas and commitments to tackle delegated duties. Come on guys times a wastin'. I've been busy as hell at work and will need some serious assistance if we're going to pull this thing off'.
1. I need all the contact numbers available Dale, George, Mik.
2. Steve B. I need you to contact me. So for it looks like you and I on the committee and I need your ideas.
3. "Tim of Wheat" Hunter. If you're lurking out there give me a call. You had some good ideas when we talked last year and I'd like to hear what else you've come up with.
4. "Young Sulli" Where are you? I need your help Bro.
5. Woody and Brune, nows a good time to show the "Lizards" how to organize and get things done. I'll take my help where I can get it.
6. All available Dragons "Up". Lets' rally and get this thing going. I'm looking for locations but I want it to be convenient for as many as possible. Right now I'm thinking San Diego for it's airport access and close proximity to MCRD, (Hollywood Fucks)(sorry I had to go there)(The Island rules!!!). San Juan Capistrano is choice two as it is close to Camp Horno..LOL and is great for families. Lost Angeles is choice three and also has good airport access but little else in the way of reunion unless everyone was coming alone and leaving the wife and kids at home but I digress.Let's get our votes in so I can start in a specific direction. George and Dale, if you can help with getting a general consensus on this issue I would appreciate it. Call some numbers and see what's what.
Semper Fi.....

Dave Bomer


starts with an M doughnut?



Sorry Iv'e been M.I.A. for awhile welcome to the new guy even if you were a LIZARD I'm doing well love my new gig. Trying to keep my head out of my ass. Dale Dave and George I'll try and give each of you a call soon. As allways I remain your brother and fellow Jarhead.


With a tombstone body and a graveyard mind

sumthin, sumthin, Dragons 1/9
Sumthin, two sets of teeth and three coat of hair, sumthin, somthin else.
The creature Stirs, bout time.


Bring 'em on

Welcome to Greg, and to all that follow. Andy, Dale knows cuz you told me on the way back from Pickle Meadows, I just figured it was a good way for you to remember seeing it was Flag Day. Good whishes to all, and let's get this show on the road. Start searching for those we don't have, and confirming the connections we think we have.

1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

Good Morning Brothers,

As usual it has been a while since I have logged on
and made my presence known, but I hope you know
that I am always out there watching. First let me say
welcome to Greg S. The Dragons were a fine bunch of
men when we were there and I am sure you and yours
carried the platoon guidon with the same gusto that
we did in the early 'eighties'. We truly had a fine group
of brothers to serve with and some of my funnest and
finest memories today are of those 'wild' years I spent
with the Dragon Pltin 1/9. Glad to have you aboard Marine.

I just had a brief contact with our SgtMjr. I
sent him a birthday wish and got a brief responce back- see below

Dale - I'm currently in the middle of the ocean 1 week into our 6 month
deployment. How are you and the family doing? I hope all is well.
Thanks for the birthday wishes (not sure how you knew what today is).
49 years young. 2.5 more years and I can finally slow down.
Tell the bloggers from Dragons I said hello.

And now to jump piggy back on Ron's shout to the West Coast. What
if going on ou there guys? Dave I am sending you what I have as far
as contact info from the Philly Reunion. That is about as good a starting
place as you can get I would guess. You can go from there.

Take care and Semper Fi

It seems that some eggs have hatched

and we have some baby Dragons floating around. Be pepared to welcome Greg Schrull to our fold, the Dragon served 87 thru 90 in the Platoon we started. Bomer...there may be more people at the shindig than you think.


Hey Greg

email nomorks at yahoo dot com


Welcome To The Stealth Reunion

I gotta hand it to you guys,Gerth Martin Bomer and I did the two years prep and all the running around, and managed to put together a meeting of people who had not been together for 20 years. It took us 2 years of frantic searching, and many e-mails, personal expediture to find and desseminate the info to achieve what we had in Philly.Now, the West Coast Boys are doing what?