1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome

War was declared on the United States of America
8535 days, 9 hours, 8 minutes and 1 second ago.

Post this message on your website!


Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everybody's Xmas went well. Let's all hope for a safe and happy new year to come.


Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!

3 Cheers for the good Corporal!!!
Glad he's back home in time to enjoy the holidays with those who love him. I pray for his speedy recovery. I hope everyone enjoys this holiday season and remembers the reason for the season. Happy Holidays to all who view this Blog..... Even the Lurkers....LOL...... (The Lakers too Andy Paul!!!). I wish you all a good day today, a better day tomorrow and a most prosperous and productive year to come.
Merry Christmas and as always......

Semper Fidelis,

Dave Bomer


HE'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My handsome, brave, kind, loyal, generous, did I mention brave nephew is home from the war. Xmas came early this year for me because last night I received the only present I wanted. I was able to wrap my arms around someone I loved, that three months ago I wasn't sure I would ever see again. Thanks guy,s for all the well wishs and prayers it worked!! Lets all pray or what ever we do for all the young men and women to come home. Once again let me extend a safe and happy holiday season to you all.

Love and thanks
MERRY XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Merry Xmas!!!

Have any of you out there noticed that each year the words merry Xmas seem to be disappearing from our collective vocabulary. Have we gotten so damn politicly correct that heaven forbid we offend someone with that simple yet very meaningful salutation? I don't get upset when I hear happy Hannuka, for our jewish frinds out there I'm sure I just misspelled your holiday of lights. Have we forgotten that over the years this holiday is about sharing our love with our familys and others, I know I'm a bit of a heathen and rarely do I consider this just a celebration of J.C.s birthday. We run around maxing out our credit cards, wondering to ourselves if we have done enough, hoping we don't get that look of disappointment when the present we bought just dose'nt quite live up to the receivers expectations. This year I'm sending the money I would have spent on Xmas to the Semper Fi fund, I know my wife will understand and if my kids get pissy about it, well those selfish little so and so's will just have to get over it. Actually I know they won't mind because of what happened to their cousin the one thing I have been able to do is raise some wonderfull children despite the fact they have a nut job for a father. I wish all of you the happist of holidays. If you wish to help our bro's and their family's visit www.semperfifund.org.
Love and best wishes


Yeah Woody,
I'm working on a poem to share with you guys so stand by....... Just working in an ending.



Happy Birthday S.T. Estes. What's it like to be an OLD MAN?



Hey guys,
I hope everyone is off to a good start on a productive week. HAPPY B-DAY GEORGE!!!!!!! you old fart.....LOL.
Glad to hear the good Cpl. is coming home. Tell him we all wish him the best.

All you lurkers, step up and be heard. We know you're out there so go ahead and post sometimes to let us know how you're doing.

I'm dreaming of a nice sunny and warm X-Mas...HAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!! And as usual.....

Semper Fi,



Thought I'd just say howdy, Cpl Powell should be home next weekend, and the doc's say it will be a long recovery but he will keep his leg. I hope all of you are doing well during this holiday season. I don't know about the rest of you but it sure seems like the retailer's out there start the season earlier each year. I'm still waiting for those poems guy's I know theres some hidden way down deep in your soul so give it a shot. Once again thank you for your prayers and well wishs for the nephews recovery.



Today Makes 44 Laps Around The Sun

and this last one was all up hill.

Don't Bring A Knife To A Gun Fight


BBC Coverage of The Battle For Falluja

About Twenty Minutes but worth it, Hat tip to of course, BLACKFIVE

A Little More on That Semper Fi Fund


Want to help?

Howdy fell's. I have an idea. There have been a number of books published over the year's called Letters Home. These are books that have compiled letter's from service men who wrote home while in combat over sea's. My idea is to collect as many poem's from service men and women and make a book. All proceed's would go to the Semper Fi Fund, which help's parent's, wife's and the like with air fare so they can be at their wounded loved one's bedside while they recover. This mean's a lot to me because my brother was unable to get back to Bethesda on his own, but thank's to the fund he was able to be back there for 10 day's. Now in case any of you think this is just an idea not going anywhere I've already spoken with the Marine causulity unit at Bethesda and they are really jazzed, I've also spoken with the Public affairs and media liaison here in Portland and he assure's me that once I put this together he has contact's with various media outlet's. I would really like any contribution's of poetry any of you may have written.

send your poetry to:
Allan R. Wood
1714 N.E. 46th ave.
Portland, Or.

If you would like your poem back, or if you would like to know if your poem will be in the book send a stamped self addressed envelope. This could really be something we old Jarhead's could do to show our support.

Semper Fi

P.S. you can submit your poem anonymously, or include your name rank and year's you served let me thank you all in advance for your support. Also call up some of the guy's if you have their number who don't visit this site let them know what's up.


Here You Go Woody.....

Woody's Looking to start up a project compiling Warrior's poems, writings and battlefield accounts, into a book and getting it published, with the proceeds going to help vets and their families.
My suggestion was to get involved in one or some of the projects already under way.
Read this
then keep This A link To BLACKFIVE
another worth checking out Marine Corps MomsWhile you're at it check out this Grunt who's going to Med School Doc RussiaNow that I'm on a roll, go see Acidman , a cantakerous kinda Tynan Guy,
That should keep you guy's busy for a while.

Ok, So I missed a few days!!!!!!

Hey Leathernecks,
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I talked to Kloss last week and he's doing fine. Good to hear from you this weekend as well George. Woody, well what can we say but GRAMPY!!!!!!LOL.... Congrats and have fun, though now you get to play"Good Guy" all the time. Good to hear the Cpl. is doing better and I for one would be honored to have him attend our reunion. Tell him to prepare a brief presentation for us and he'll be recognized prior to the entertainment portion of the evening. Well I gotta get back to work but as usual I hope you all have a safe and productive week.

Semper Fidelis,

Dave Bomer
PS Thanx for the Underdog Theme George. That's a classic!!!!
Nice Poem Woody!!!


Where is every one?

Hey fella's what's up with hardly ever seeing anyone on this blog but me and Ron? I know you Dragons have to much pride to let a lowly 81 take over. The nephew Cpl. Powell is doing better and I'm kind of looking forward to being a gramps. One thing about being a grand parent you get to screw up someone else's kid and they have to take all the heat. You west coast Marine's get on board here so in a few year's we can show the east coast boy's how to really party, even though the older I get the less partying I'm able to do. Also my nephew expressed the desire to attend the next reunion, I'm sure you all would welcome him with open arm's. Have a safe and productive week, see I'm already stealing someone's thunder.


Trying Something

TV Themes - UnderDog.mp3
Hey, someone let me know if the Underdog theme plays when you click.

Hey Grampy

First of all, let me extend well wishes for the health of Mother and Child.
Secondly, If you think that this pre-emptive strike will prevent you from being called " Grampy " at least 30 times during the next reunion, I think your pissing up a rope. Glad to here Cpl. Powell is recovering, I think I can speak for all Dragons, when I wish him a speedy recovery.
On a side note, Health is improving, no thanks to the professionals. Go get your stuff checked out if you can, we are all approaching "heart" season. One "other"
Who wishes to remain nameless has had a MI, is ok though, prolly better than me actually.
And Bomer, how am I supposed to have a safe and productive week, without your encouragement?



GrandpWell guy's as if this world was'nt crazy enough I've just been informed by my 18 year old daughter that I will be a grandpa in june or july. I don't know what kind of modern family's you all have, but I am to damn young at 42 to be a grandpa. The only thing that make's it seem a little "cool" is once the squirt is old enough he or she can call me Woody instead of gramps. Don't get me wrong I am excited but having a kid at such a young age might cause some problems down the road.
Happy holiday's


I was just going to link to one of her posts but...

they're all good, so check out Baldilocks

Howdy from the Great Northwest

Howdy everybody hope all is well. Cpl Paul"the nephew" is doing as well as to be expected. If his latest surgery works out he will be able to keep his leg, and after a year or so of therapy if he can meet the physical requirements then he can stay in if he chooses. Hey Sgt Major Andy I know your up there on the pay grade scale, if you could make a call to someone, my nephew says he's been at Bethesda for over 2 weeks and he still has'nt gotten a decent sponge bath.
I thought I'd try something new. Since I fancy myself a writer I thought I'd put up a poem of mine from time to time, be honest but gentle with your comments.


The ocean's insistent roar beckon's me,
hesitantly I approach, humbled by such power.

Cobalt , turquiose,and shades of blue yet unnamed
a palette of color blend's together as though an artist gone mad.

Earth and sea meet, the kiss of foam upon the sand
like a lover's touch demanding but gentle.

White caps and breakers longing for the sky,
fugitives who yearn for their cumulous brother's above

The ocean call's to me a siren song I cannot ignore

The ocean calls to me I shall linger here no more.

So tell me what you think I know that this peom of mine is a bit T.S.Elliot but it's mine and I like it.

Have a great holiday season!!!!!!!

Sgt. Hook gets promoted

And he has been blogging from the "Stan" hint, hint, to anyone planning on being in that neck of the woods.


We Were Lucky, read this

and give thanks one of us still mans the wall