Hello fellow jarheads. I know alot of you may be wondering who the hell is this guy. Allan"Woody"Wood. I served with alot of you from 80 till late 82. The reason I titled this little blog the way I did is my concern over the recent political state this country has found itself in. I know talking politics can be a senstive subject so I'll do my best not to offend anyone, on the other hand is'nt the service we gave to our country to defend and protect the constituion include the basic right to one's opinion? I have never seen in my lifetime the nation in which I live and love so much so divided! Gone is the idea of having a civilized debate. If you don't agree with me then you must be some kind of dope smoking, long haired liberal scumbag. And if you don't agree with ME you must be some right-wing uber-rich conservitive. I just don't get it. No longer do the facts matter. Both sides of the politcal fence seem to be content slinging mud and hoping some of it sticks to the other side.
I like all other americans was shocked saddened and ready to kill whoever was responsable for Sept. 11. However was invading Iraq the way to go about it? I don't think so. Why have'nt we closed our borders? Why are so many of our most sensitive facilites still left unprotected? I don't have the answers to these ?s I just know it seems as if the american public seems easily distrcated from issues that are real important, healthcare, employment,and the like. Now I know the next thing is really going to piss off some people but here I go any way. Do any of you out there truly believe that George W. or John Kerry are all that concerned for the regular guy. From all the things I've seen, the economy, the lack of healthcare,and the failng education system it would appear not. Now I know when we all took that oath before we became Marine's we kind of lost our Voice for that 3,4, yrs. Being in the service is'nt a democracy. But should'nt we allow others the right to voice themselves without fear. Like I said earlier that is one of the reasons I chose to serve my country. Before any of you start to say Hey wait a minute was'nt that Woody guy a shitbird? I'll answer it for yes I was but believe me that dose'nt change my love and devotion to this great land.
Well I'm starting ramble on a little and I am in danger of falling off my soapbox. I will leave you with one final thought. Questioning our government and it's policy's is just about the most patriotic thing a person can do. If you don't believe me remember your basic jr. high history.
I wish you all the very best and look frwrd to seeing all my brother's in 07.
Semper Fi