1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Guess what Dave?

Believe it or not I do have a son named Dustin! He dose'nt have my last name thank G od for him. When I came home from bootcamp I had a little fun with my girl and 9 month's later he was born. I just found out about him a year ago. Can you believe I'm 41 and he will be 24 in Nov. I'm glad nobody got on my ass about my first attempt at this, I know politics can be a toughy subject. Just for the record I have a nephew in the corps who will be leaving for Iraq in about a week, so even though I'm not sure we as a country should be there you know damn well I support and pray for all those young men and women. Who ever wrote that I did'nt use God in my little disertation"how'd ya like that 3 dollar word" it's because like politc's my mama always told me to to watch out for those kind of conversation's. Not that I'm a heathen our anything I just feel one's realationship with one's higher power should be a private matter. Once again I wish you all well and we will remind all those "civilian slimes" just who we are in 07. Oops I forgot I'm one of those civilian slimes now to.
OOOH F#%&*ing RAAH