1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Well its Wednesday morning and the rain is stopping here today. It came down all day long
yesterday. No complaining though since Georgia is in the middle of a three year drought.

Who wants to bet that the sniper in DC is more than just a lunatic on a power trip?

I like that picture with the Don't drink and Fly link, George. Nice 'dress' the lady is wearing.
Do you think the guy across the aisle bothered trying to take a nap?

I think I'll try to post a picture or two of my finished kitchen here soon. I've got them
taken but haven't downloaded from the camera yet.

When baseball season is over with the boys, end of this month, I am going to see about
putting some links concerning Philly on the Dragons Website. I realize you all can surf
on your own but it never hurts to have a central location to start at.