1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Politics??? Being one of the people who actualy watched most of the Watergate hearings, saw much of Iran-Contra, and felt ready to puke during the Clinton Debacle, I've had to refrain from watching politicians at work. Hypertension is not good for me. Now If I want to watch poeple be fools, I click on Springer for a minute, just to remind me how many dummies there are, and to see who the Pols are representing. Then it makes sense......Government is a reflection of the people who vote, a lot of dummies must vote. too bad Sam Nunn , Dan Inoyue, and Daniel Patrick Moynahan are no longer in service, you didn't have to agree with them, but at least they were articulate and informed.
Glad to see you back in ST