1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


born in the back woods, raised by a bear,
with two sets of teeth and three coats of hair,
with a tombstone body, and a graveyard mind,
Here comes a Dragon, from Weapons 1/9

Heard that once
Hello Barry, good to see you on board. Are you really in TN
or is that just a rumor? Have you looked at the Dragon web site http://www.oneninedragons.com/home.html

There is a link on the home page that shows you all the
personal info that we have on everyone so far. Do me a
favor and send me some current info on you and yours so I
can add it to the web page. You can see from the page what
info I need. Send it to me via email: dalermartin@hotmail.com

Count-down to Cancun has begun. 12 days and a wakeup and I'll
be baking, I mean basking in the sun in northern Cancun. We are
really excited about our trip. I've been told to take several of those little
spray bottles with the fans on them. They are supposed to be good
to use when bartering with the locals. Kind of brings back memories
of the Phillipines or Korea.

About time BC!!! Call me 310-978-0825.


6/29/02 11:40 p.m. What"s up guys I have been trying to connect with you guys for a long time. Have got a lot to talk to you guys about.
B.C. has been heard from, watch this space
Reggie-Jo should be near Gerth's sometime today, anyone
hear from Andy yet? The Mass. Boys are headed to Miks
the 19th of july. Have a good weekend.


Que Paso Bro's?
Yeah Dale My lungs are sufficiently toxic now and leveled off..LOL.. Can you believe that Pledge of Allegiance crap. Too much dope in congress I say....LOL
Hey Blow, why Arizona? That's next to South Hell. You practicing or what LOL......
Have a good weekend to all!


Hey ,it is easier to read if I don't type all the way to the end.
Don't ya think?
One more day of "Hot and Humid", we should be getting
some relief this evening, in the form of thunder-showers.
I'm hoping the lack of participation is mainly due to
people being busy with their Summer Schedule.Hopefully
things will pick up again in the Fall.
Hey, Mik, how about a little up-date
Anyone hear from Otto?


Well brothers I hope you aren't teaching your children to say the Pledge of Allegiance cause the Judges in CA say it is unconstitutional. What's next?

Where is Otto von Henneke? We miss you man.

Have you readjusted to the smog Dave? I hope you are feeling at home after your trip to TX.

Did anybody ever buy you a beer George? Thanks for taking the time to sign those guys up even if it hasn't gotten much response from many off them. They are out there reading even if they ain't postiing.

Yes Steve there are others out here listening to good Christian music. Been tuning in for ten or fifteen years now. Like you I play some good old classic rock--and-roll now and then. Usually one afternoon satisfies me and I tune back to my regular diet - Contemporary Christian. Looking forward to your trip to Atlanta in August. How about dinner at Joe's Crab Shack?

Hey Crocker I'llbe going to pennsylvania 6 29 02 Michael Paul doesnt know this but we plan on crusing to his area and pay him a visit and maybe Nelson also but he may have to meet me half way
whats up boys, nobodys home today whats the deal,yea dave pretty soon I'll be moving to arizona and then we wont have tornadoes any more....we will have FIRES" No rain and fires and quakes oh my "


You must be at work,LOL.
Summer is finally here in the North East.
How is everyone?Where is everyone?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Hey, Who turned the lights on!!!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


AHHhhhhh The cost of perpetual sunshine!!!!!! I'll risk an earth quake every 10 years over a season a year of tornadoes any day of the week Blow. Welcome aboard! LOL...........


Hey Dave you said that Texas sucked huh well if the 48 states wont suck the next quake might put calif in the ocean so its a good thing to suck huh
dave: you said that texas sucked, you are gonna need all 48 states to suck if another earthquake comes that way california wont fall in the ocean
whats up dragons the mailman is in the houseto speed things up (reggiejoe)
Have a good weekend every one!! Working overtime this weekend. Andy if you're out there give us a shout out!!!!!!!
Hey Dale, you can have your weather back, I've had enough of it.Anyone Know what's become of Hennecke?haven't heard a peep in a while. any one having problems with the blog , give me a call...413-219-7029. Have a good weekend Dragons.


Welcome TC, and Steve. Happy Friday Gotta ton of work here, so just a quick hello, and I hope all's well.
Andy should be in Ca. now, I hope some of you get the chance to hook up.


Hey guys,
Check all previous posts! Look to your right, just above the calender.
OK George Im here. were am I? TC


Here I am
I'm done for a while
these results are somewhat less than I had expected,Thanks to Robbins and Sgt-g for trying


Finally back to smog laden LA. Just in time to ward off the smog withdrawal symptoms.hang in there George! it's all good......
What's up Andy?
We doin a west coast hook-up or what?
Dan the Man?


Good Morning all, let's get this thing rolling I'll do the same thing for the rest of the dragons, just takes time, look at the post times from yesterday, about 15 minutes a man. Bear with me
Welcome to all the new additions. Hey Steve B., Andy Paul said he would be in town this week maybe we could all hook up. Let me know.310-978-0825 or 310-594-5146 cell. Hope everyone had a great fathers day.
Someone(s) owes me a beer, TC is in
6/16/2002/ 2109hrs/Sgt G.
Fowler, thanks for the help and happy Fathers' Day to all Dragons.
two more, Dan the Man is in
steve brown is now enabled
Ok three is enough for today, well maybe, it's alot easier if you guys answer the invites, insdead of me doing this convaluted 'round the back door , fake out the server thing
big bill can now post
Sgt-g can now make entries in the web log
Hey I signed up Mik...this is george
Not Savvy really, just spent a frustrating hour once, trying to make it work
duly noted George. Sorry, I'm not as blog savy as you are but I'm learning.Happy Father's Day to all and I can't wait to get back to LA. Hate all the crowds, traffic, etc. but I really miss it when I see how BROWN the grass is on the other side of the fence. LOL.
Did'nt get to work the Parade Andy. They held it on friday and I was here in this sh-t hole called Texas. 1st one I've missed in this reign. But as we all know, there will be plenty others. LOL Take care all and enjoy your kids. I won't see mine till Tuesday but I know they'll be calling me in the AM.


Texas can suck, but if in Dallas, one should probably swing by Dealy Plaza, just to say youwere the Lone Visitor.
One more thing, Happy Father's day to all of you......
Hey!!! Bomer, will you please click on post and publish, instead of just post? I don't mind doing the clean-up, but I think you would rather post it yourself. And bye your leave, that was Dale Posting under my Name, cuz chuckie wasn't at my wedding, although IF he was , I could blame the whole thing on him. LOL And I don't live in Lanta.
Texas sucks!!!!!!!!!
Good to see more on board with Blogger. Welcome Andy and Ricky. Steve, living without AC here in Atlanta is akin to contemplating suicide. If the AC breaks it is imperative that you call the service man ASAP. I'm with you on the Christian music although the stations I listen to are more Contemporary Christian. SCC, Micheal W. Smith, Chris Rice, Carmen, etc Maybe that is what you are calling Rock. I still change the dial every now and then when I get in a mood for some Classic Rock and Roll but I usually don't stay away for more than a day.

Where in the world is Otto von Hennecke. He must have done some house cleaning with his email, I just sent him one and it didn't come back with a mailbox full error. Come on out and entertain us with some of your sharp wit Otto. Andy misses you. (that's SgtrMjr to you by the way). And what about Tim Richards. We haven't heard from you since Pete unloaded months ago. The water is calm you can come back out. Chuck, are you so busy making sure your pipes are clean that you don't have time for your brothers out here in Hyper Space? Share with us, "What is the best head wax on the market?" Did you all know that Chuck was the best man at my wedding 17 yrs ago? Remember that roadtrip to Atlanta Chuck?

Stand at Ease, I'll be in the Area all Day.


Back in black, and that's a fact....no no nevermind, where was I? The funeral process is all over, 23 cars, was a good Man and a Friend. Glad to see this thing catching on.I think we have ST's weather over here, rainy and cool for the weekend, good for the new front lawn, only had to water twice. Hey, sling some e-mails, and try to involve the platoon. You all have admin status, click on team, and add new member, etc......Let get 'em all. Semper Fi


Sorry it took so long George. Work definitely keeps me going. but here I am. Hello DRAGONS!! Andy where in orange county are you going to be... I live in Huntington Beach. maybe we could hook up.


Let me know when you get here Andy. I get back from Texas on Monday and won't go to work until Tuesday graveyard shift.I'm not too far from OC and would love to hook up. Maybe we can catch up with Brown. He's not too far away. I'll contact him and let him know you're coming.


Robins sent me a email weeks ago reminding me of how I always talked trash about the east coast teams. Of course, he was talking about my Rams losing in the Super Bowl. Funny how I do not hear from him now....

Life on the rock is great. I have my wife and step daughter here, and will be here at least 2 more years. Very family oriented place to live. No crime, and with the exception of 3 months in the summer, weather is great. I'll have to take some pictures of Camp Hansen so you all can see the changes. Lots of places to eat, troops live in 2 man rooms, and there are hundreds of females on base. The Corps has changed 180% since you all left 20 years ago.

I'll be in Orange County CA next week for a vaction at my Dads house. Flying my 2 sons in from Pittsburgh to spend 3 weeks with me. Also, I'm going to Oregon for a few days in July. Contact me via email and maybe we can set a visit up.

Where are the rest of the Dragons???? Where is Otto Van Squeaky?

Dave - Ask your friends who do not like the Lakers if they can say :Shag Attack, throw it down big guy"
Welcome aboard Andy Paul!!!!
I've worked the last two parades and will probably work this one as well. I too am a lifelong laker fan.
Way to go Andy, glad to see you on board
Simple test to make sure this accepts my post - LAKERS RULE, I've been a fan since 1965 (Before Chamberalin)

Dave - Keep LA safe when the Laker victory party happens,


Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend George. Hope all is well with everyone.
OK, OK,....Lakers Rule,never was into that "Round Ball", something about the height requirement that put's me off. I am Glad the West-side is having something to cheer about, we had our day when the Patriots won the Super Bowl. Gotta go,just heard a Friend died this morning, humor has left the building.


Hope everyone had a great weekend. Heading for Texas on Thursday via American Airlines. My first time flying since 9/11. The Lakers are soooooo gooooood that it ain't even fun watching them stomp the crap outta the east coast!!!!!! LOL Semper Fi. What's that Atlanta B-Ball team's name again Dale???? And they have how many rings????


Glad to welcome Steve aboard, my Bamboo Jungle starter kit arrived yesterday, the plants are supposed to grow up here, we'll see.
Hey, I just have to be different.


Sorry Dave, I missed the game. And the last one and the last one and....... Gosh, I think I missed all of'em. I hope the Laker's take it all. (That one's for you Dave) Actually I really just wanted to post something to the Blog to see if the link I put on the Dragon web site keeps up properly with all the postings. That way, if anyone chooses not to register to use the Blogger, they can at least go read what the rest of us are ranting about. Okay, here goes. Semper Fi Jarheads
But they damn near gave me ulcers. Hope you all enjoyed another exciting game from the left coast. I know I did.
Our reunion seems to be losing steam. Come on guys now that the novelty of hearing from each other after all these years has dissapated, the real work begins. you East coast guys gotta band together and get things shakin!!!!!!!! Lite a fire under Mike's ass, LOL, on second thought he might like that. Where you at OTTO? Tim? I know you guys are busy with life issues but we need to get moving if we intend to pull this thing off by next year.


Good Morning all, Congratulations to Dave and his Lakers. We are having perfect growing weather here, the front lawn I put in is really taking off, and we had Lettuce from the Garden yesterday. Jalepenos......My big dog will eat anything, unfortunatly some things create a hassle after they have been digested, you know, flames from the exhaust.
I don't konw where Mik is yet, but for now the reunion site is Philly, next year, probably a Fri-Sat affair.
Treid a few phone numbers this weekend, some of them appear to be out of date. More on that later.
Have a good Day


Make that conversations
Ok, It's Monday morning in Hotlanta and the beutiful Georgia sun is shining today. Good to see a couple more on board with our blogger forum. Youth baseball is over, the kids are out of school for summer and the neighborhood pool is open. By the way george, the page may open up showing five post but all you have to do is change it real quick with the drop down on the right. By the way , what's up with the dog and jalepenos anyway? (post from 5/30)

Come on in Dragons the converstions just getting started.


OK lakers rule, you didn't have to erase my sarcasm though.Celtics are out , Ok what can I say???
By the way, the page I post from( or the one you will post from) shows the last five messages. the page itself shows all of them.
when that fills it will archive them.
Welcome Andy and Nelson, this type of forum has some promise when it comes to informing each other.It eliminates a bunch of e-mail,and keeps all com in chronological order. I hope every one has a good weekend, I have some work to do.
Good morning all, just taking this for a test ride.