Trying to get a grip.
Ron I understand where your coming from, though I don't agree with all of it. I guess the point I was trying to make was when do we stop playing policeman for the entire world. I understand that people die every day from various causes, but we also strive to prevent them if we can. You mentioned people dying on the freeways, thats why we have seatbelt laws and airbags. I'm not trying to over simplify the war by comparing it to accidents I just worry that one day my 15 year old son may have to fight a war that he should'nt have to. I know if we do what we have to now he won't have to fight 10 years from now. I just want to be sure that when we do go to war it's for the right reassons. As far as cutting the Iraqi people some slack I just know in wartime a lot of innocent folks get hurt. Once again I thank all of you for your support, and wish you all a happy 05.
Woody, Get A Grip.
700 people a week die in vehicle accidents across the U.S., bitch and moan, people get hurt every fukin day, doing their jobs, the but is, their jobs don't include engaging an enemy that wants to kill you. (hint..definition of an enemy)
When Iran Nukes Israel,And you wonder "Why didn't this happen sooner?" the answer will be "cuz we got rid of S.H." These Motherfuckers sent over, 20 guys, to waste
3,000 lives, and we should cut them some slack?
I don't know what to say?
That got your attention did'nt it! Thank all of you for your support and prayers I'm sure my nephew will be allright in time. Dave I can't imagine how you do your job, I know there must be a lot of joy helping people but the dead and wounded must wear on you. 34 of our brothers were killed in Iraq yesterdayand I'm starting to get a little pissed, I allways try and avoid to much political talk on here but what the hell here goes.
Twenty some years ago I took an oath to defend my country against all enemies foriegn and domestic, I know all the Marines of today take that oath also. The thing I don't get is since we've now been told by people like Colin Powell that there were no WMD's, no conection to 9/11 or Al Queda why the hell are our bro's still fighting and dying? I want to know how many more lives will be sacrificed American and Iraqi. I want to know when did we become nation builders? I want to know how the hell do you shove democracy down people's throats? Did we all become so scared after9/11 that we will believe anything we are told, were we so angry at the attack on our country that we thought some where in the backs of our minds that someone had to pay? Will we become the very country we fought a revolution over, remember there was a time in history when England sought to rule the world. OK I'm done I wish everyone the best and once again I thank all of you for your love and support.
Semper Fi
Twenty some years ago I took an oath to defend my country against all enemies foriegn and domestic, I know all the Marines of today take that oath also. The thing I don't get is since we've now been told by people like Colin Powell that there were no WMD's, no conection to 9/11 or Al Queda why the hell are our bro's still fighting and dying? I want to know how many more lives will be sacrificed American and Iraqi. I want to know when did we become nation builders? I want to know how the hell do you shove democracy down people's throats? Did we all become so scared after9/11 that we will believe anything we are told, were we so angry at the attack on our country that we thought some where in the backs of our minds that someone had to pay? Will we become the very country we fought a revolution over, remember there was a time in history when England sought to rule the world. OK I'm done I wish everyone the best and once again I thank all of you for your love and support.
Semper Fi
Talked to Sanders last night. He's doing well and says hello. He plans on getting married in May so wish him luck.
I responded to the scene of that fatal train accident yesterday and I must say that television broadcasts do not give justice to the magnitude of destruction caused by some idiot that wanted to kill himself and changed his mind at the last minute killing 11 innocent victims. God bless the injured and killed.
Semper Fi,
I responded to the scene of that fatal train accident yesterday and I must say that television broadcasts do not give justice to the magnitude of destruction caused by some idiot that wanted to kill himself and changed his mind at the last minute killing 11 innocent victims. God bless the injured and killed.
Semper Fi,
Travelin' Man
Hey Leathernecks,
Just got my skivvies dried out and put on a fresh pair of socks. I hope everyone is having a productive week in whatever they endeavor, (hmm... that rhymes Woody!). I'll be flying to St. Louis this weekend to visit the old stomping grounds so keep me in your prayers. East St. Louis is still ESL. Talk to you guys later and as always...............
Semper Fi,
PS Thanx for the Marine related e-mails Big Dow! They were classics.......
Just got my skivvies dried out and put on a fresh pair of socks. I hope everyone is having a productive week in whatever they endeavor, (hmm... that rhymes Woody!). I'll be flying to St. Louis this weekend to visit the old stomping grounds so keep me in your prayers. East St. Louis is still ESL. Talk to you guys later and as always...............
Semper Fi,
PS Thanx for the Marine related e-mails Big Dow! They were classics.......
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I hope the new year is treating everyone well. Glad to hear your back to work Ron, I know from personal expeirence how difficult it can be not being able to work. I'm not trying to hang out any dirty laundry here but I could use some advise. My wounded nephew came home for the holiday's, we all expected he'd be a little angry or even bitter about getting shot up, but it seems as if the kid has really lost it. He finds fault in every little thing, from strangers thanking him for his service all the way down to getting angry at his 8 yr old sister. I personally have not been in combat so I have know idea what he is going thru, the only thing is he was only in combat for 5 day's before he got hit, the month and a half prior, since he's a combat engineer was spent building things. Iv'e tried to talk to him, to get him to open up but with know luck. I'm torn between going off on him and just trying to cut him some slack. Any advise would be welcome. Good to see you made it to the blog Jack! Anyway take care everyone, have a good year hopefully I will be able to contact some more 81's and the reunion will be bigger than the last time.