1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

Good Morning Brothers,

As usual it has been a while since I have logged on
and made my presence known, but I hope you know
that I am always out there watching. First let me say
welcome to Greg S. The Dragons were a fine bunch of
men when we were there and I am sure you and yours
carried the platoon guidon with the same gusto that
we did in the early 'eighties'. We truly had a fine group
of brothers to serve with and some of my funnest and
finest memories today are of those 'wild' years I spent
with the Dragon Pltin 1/9. Glad to have you aboard Marine.

I just had a brief contact with our SgtMjr. I
sent him a birthday wish and got a brief responce back- see below

Dale - I'm currently in the middle of the ocean 1 week into our 6 month
deployment. How are you and the family doing? I hope all is well.
Thanks for the birthday wishes (not sure how you knew what today is).
49 years young. 2.5 more years and I can finally slow down.
Tell the bloggers from Dragons I said hello.

And now to jump piggy back on Ron's shout to the West Coast. What
if going on ou there guys? Dave I am sending you what I have as far
as contact info from the Philly Reunion. That is about as good a starting
place as you can get I would guess. You can go from there.

Take care and Semper Fi