1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Just saying howdy.

Well I hope all of you on the east coast are doing allright, it seems as though you have gotten more than your fair share of the weather this year. My nephew in Iraq say's they are going into Faallgh in Nov. I wonder if this is coinsidence being that our elections are in Nov. and if this op turns into a bloodbath they would rather it happen after the election, I know I've promised not to get political on this site so I'll chill hope all of you are doing well.
Have a good and productive week guys!


A good weekend

Everyone have a great weekend you guy's on the east coast batten down your hatches it looks like more weather may be on the way. I know I used a squid term but hey they did say we were a dept. of the navy remember.
Allan "Woody"


Way to go Andy,
I've been saying that for the longest time (referring to the political posts). I really prefer to keep my political beliefs to myself as they are not the same as most of those that post but I enjoy keeping up with the family updates,etc. Now days it seems as if politics is the main topic. However, Love and tolerance is our code so rant on political pundits as I remain non-partisan.
On a side note, my eldest son made his first high school touchdown last thursday and followed up with a two point conversion to win the game. What a proud Dad I was. He is so much better than I was at his age. I wish you all Gods blessings and as always......

Semper Fi ,



Nephew in Iraq

Well guy's I heard from my nephew in Iraq. He said his convoy from Bagdad was hit by rpg's and automatic gunfire, no one was hurt thank God. He's in Fallugah"I probably spelled that wrong" and they get sporadic motar fire at night. I'll stay away from politcal comment's but like in Nam if we are going to kick ass we ought to do it and go home. Iknow that's over simplifing it but with out getting on a soapbox that's the best I can do. For all you guy's in the glf states I hope Ivan misses you and if not I pray you all come out of it safe and sound.
Your brother and friend allway's!!!


Where's Brune?

What happened to that other 81mm procrastinator? LOL
Hope all is well and that everyone has a productive week.

Semper Fi,



Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

Dale I hope you and yours ride out Ivan the terrible safe and sound.

Happy B-day

Happy Birthday to Me.
Another year older and possibly wiser.
Have a good weekend Devil Dogs.

Semper Fi


Dear Anonymous

If your the same person who responded to my first blog then this is for you. From the tone of my first blog you can see I'm a big believer in free speach. However with that freedom comes responsibilty. Now I know I'm new to this thing and only a lowly 81 but some of the things I've read that are atributed to the anonymous person seem hurtfull and out of line. While Idefend your right to say anything you damn well please, when you fail to identify yourself you lose the right for anyone to take you to seriously. While I don't agree with alot of the political comment's on this page at least the people I dissagree with identify them selves, and to me that makes their argument, no matter that I disagree more valid. When you make your post's it reminds me of the story we all heard in school"the right to free speach dose'nt mean you have the right to yell out FIRE in a crowed theater". I think this will be the last time I comment on anything political, I'd much rather consentrate on getting to know all of you better and be more positive. Take care of yourself even though I don't know who you are I wish you all the best.

Thanks from Allan

Thank's guy's for all of your support. I know that time's are tight but I asked some young Marine's that have been over to Iraq what they could use in the way of care package's, so here it is. Packets of pre-sweetned kool-aid, playing cards, baby wipes, reading material, and probably the most important just letter's and cards letting them know we care. You can contact your local recruiter, or Marine base in your area, and they will give you an address for some unit's that you can sponser. Once again thank you for all your well wishes. I remain your brother and friend allways!


It's great to see all the new arrivals on the Blog. George is going to see the
Dr this morning. Pray that this new Dr will listen and think outside his little
box when George tells him he needs some different meds than what they have
been determined to give him up to now.

Don't worry about Nov. ! Kerry is an idoit and the American people know it.
What we should probably worry about is who will be the candidate in 2008 when
Bush is leaving. ?????? Is it possible that the Dems would nominate Ms. Clinton ?
Are they really that far left?

The rain came and went yesterday. Remnants from Hurricane Francis. A few trees
down and the power was on and off yesterday but nothing major for Metro Atlanta.
We had a few guys go out on damage assessment teams yesterday down to middle

BLOG On Dragons!
Semper Fi


All that rain!

Hey Dale hope you and the family are'nt getting washed out to sea. Also guy's my nephew a fellow jarhead will be heading off to Iraq on the 9th so say a little prayer for his safe return. Is it just me or dose'nt it seem like 9/11 just happened and it could'nt possibly be the 3rd ann. already.
Take care one and all!!!



GO "GW" You'da man!!!!!


Mik on board again

Hey george, I posted Ok ? Hope the sausage hand has gone down.