1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Nephew in Iraq

Well guy's I heard from my nephew in Iraq. He said his convoy from Bagdad was hit by rpg's and automatic gunfire, no one was hurt thank God. He's in Fallugah"I probably spelled that wrong" and they get sporadic motar fire at night. I'll stay away from politcal comment's but like in Nam if we are going to kick ass we ought to do it and go home. Iknow that's over simplifing it but with out getting on a soapbox that's the best I can do. For all you guy's in the glf states I hope Ivan misses you and if not I pray you all come out of it safe and sound.
Your brother and friend allway's!!!