1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Dear Anonymous

If your the same person who responded to my first blog then this is for you. From the tone of my first blog you can see I'm a big believer in free speach. However with that freedom comes responsibilty. Now I know I'm new to this thing and only a lowly 81 but some of the things I've read that are atributed to the anonymous person seem hurtfull and out of line. While Idefend your right to say anything you damn well please, when you fail to identify yourself you lose the right for anyone to take you to seriously. While I don't agree with alot of the political comment's on this page at least the people I dissagree with identify them selves, and to me that makes their argument, no matter that I disagree more valid. When you make your post's it reminds me of the story we all heard in school"the right to free speach dose'nt mean you have the right to yell out FIRE in a crowed theater". I think this will be the last time I comment on anything political, I'd much rather consentrate on getting to know all of you better and be more positive. Take care of yourself even though I don't know who you are I wish you all the best.