1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


I wasn't that hard, I just clicked on stuff 'til I got this......
Won't be able to drive to Ca. anytime soon, too much work piling up around here,
will still try to fly out before the end of the year, a house with five kids in it is a hectic place.
Hope the new look is OK, youall can change it if you click on template in the tool bar.


So you're the "wood guy" I was wondering who had that title


This thing working again yet?


I'll be doing some training this week on the 19th. See if you get get free to get down to the civic center area. Maybe we can do lunch. Hit my cell 310 594-5146, if you can.


I'm back,
Spending most days at a computer it's tough doing it @ home, some of the work stuff is fun. I'm learning my way around a C.A.D. program, that's pretty cool. Yeah I know I've become an office pogey, but I make it out to the field
most days. I was missing the hands on work and the running of a line crew but there have been so many accidents latley it's scary. We just had a fatallity a couple weeks ago, just like you said George short cuts kill. He left a wife and 2 young daughters. I've known him since I was a grunt @ D.W.P. I've always tried to do the right thing but you can get caught up in trying to do a better job. Thankfully myself nor anyone under my charge have ever been injured on the job.
Grand kids are Cool, it's thier parents that can be a pain in the ass. I sure wish I could have gotten the step-son to go for the Corps. A bigger flake you've never seen. We will leave it at that so my blood pressure stays down.
Theodore, Theodius or Theo it's all the same to me. Don't remember the exact origin but it had to do with a football player, Andy Paul and Mutt. (any heard from Mutt? I gave up he does'nt return my calls)
Dale, I've worked my share of cold, windy, rainy, earthquakey, rioty nights. Quite the adreniline rush working South Cental L.A. in the middle of the night when all the lights are out.
Hey Dave I'm at lincoln heights now, even closer.
Gotta go, going to Moms like a good Son,
Y'all take care.
Hope to see you George!


OK Figured it out , Road Trip, second week of October, gotta see my granpa. California bound,I'll try to line up as many stops as I can.


Happy Friday, have a great weekend
Whew, glad the 12-hour a day mobilization is over. I need my daily naps. LOL
Every thing in LA was quiet and uneventful. The giant continues to sleep...

Semper Fi


41????? Thats a young man. Dave, you are still burping up formula. Happy Birthday.
11 Sept, and I guess nobody could wake Osama from his eternal dirt nap. What a great Country we have.
Anybody have any ideas on how much a desert condo in Baghdad will go for next summer? I'm looking to buy a summer home in one of the U.S. territories..............


Happy Birthday Dave, enjoy..
Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!!
41 years young and still going strong.
Hope everyone is having a productive week.

Semper Fi
Lets hope WW III doesn't start tomorrow, I'd prefer to hold the reunion in this country
glad to see Otto back on deck


I'm Ok,just hit a little too close to home close to home


Sorry to hear about your friend George....
Safety first. We all want to go home at the end of the day.


Just came back from another wake.I'll be better after the funeral.
44 year old guy, roofer, made a mistake, landed on his grape.
Five weeks later-Dead. leaves a wife, and three kids, been doing it for twenty years,
just made a simple mistake. Wake up call...............just do what you know to do.
I cut corners all the time,to increase production, I never put anyone else in danger,
this whole thing makes me think.. What is worth what?The drive to be the best,
should be tempered by providing for your family. A hard pill to swallow. Ala "Hill
Street Blues", be careful out there. I would give my life to save my country,
but sometimes ,those trained like that, lose there life to make their boss money.
This guy was in the NAVY, and worked as such, he ran the jobs and produced the most.
Thats what killed him. Putting the job above personal safety.
Sorry about ranting, this just hit close to home.
I do the same thing all the time. Just mission oriented, can't kill that instinct.
Andy, you got some thoughts? I've been on vacation only once since the last time
I've seen you. Two weeks......in twenty years
sorry for being down, funeral's tomorrow
Hope everyone is having a productive week!

Semper Fi
PS What's the Theo story?. I've never hear that one!


Wind is really kicking in now. I'm guessing about 80 MPH now and might get up to 132 MPH tonight. I have not felt such heavy wind since I stood next to Reggie Jo after a long PT run...........Just kidding Reggie. I do not want to feel your big hand hitting me up side my head at the reunion.

Where is Mik?

Semper Fidelis my fellow Dragons


Isn't it funny how they call a storm a Typhoon in one hemisphere and
Hurricane in another. Every once in awhile we get the leftovers from
an Atlantic Hurricane blowing thru Atlanta in the form of a heavy rain storm.
I have been out on storm duty once after one came thru. Poor spindly pine
trees here in Georgia play havoc on power lines when they fall over.
You ever have to do storm duty Theo?

Happy Birthday Dale.
Who is Steve Brown? I do remember a Theodore Brown. I will never forget the look on Theo's Moms face as she tried to understand why we called her son Theo.
Time to batten down the ole hatches as the 2nd Typhoon in 7 days will be here tonight.
Sadly, we had two Marines swept out to sea last Typhoon.

Semper Fidelis
Hey Dale,Happy birthday, glad to see the blog getting used.
Boy am I glad to see the kids back in school.
Happy B-Day Dale and thanx again for all your hard work on keeping this thing going. You Too George!
Good to hear from you Steve. It's a shame we live so close and still have not "Done Lunch". I'm just coming off a well needed 2 week vacation and can honestly say I DON"T WANT IT TO END. But alas, all good things must end and tomorrow night, so shall this. I really enjoyed myself and my kids got some long awaited uninterupted DAD time. Football season is in full swing and it is a joy to see the young Bomer boys on the gridiron. Oh to be young again.
Semper Fi


Hello all,

Good to here from steve brown. Gotta chuckle when you talk about grandkids, Steve.
Most of us are still working on getting our own raised and out on their own.

Don't have much to add for this evening. Just wanted to come on line and wish myself
"Happy Birthday". I don't feel a day over twenty one. (times two)

ALso, thanks George for finding Blogger. I really enjoy coming on and reading back
through the post. This is such a great way of keeping a running tab on folks and things
they have to say. TTYL
Good morning to all,
Have'nt been back here for most of the summer, Grandkids took up all my free time. They went back to Ore.
yesterday after being here all summer, gonna miss them.
Got a nephew joining the Corps. this month, after a little persuading from his good ol uncle Steve. Stories and pictures
helped, he's real excited about it but almost got the shaft from a recruiter trying to the old "just sign up open and when your job is available you will get transferd" routine.
Hope everyone is well, looking forward to 250703.
Have a great Labor day