1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Pretty Fast Taxi?
Purely Fun Time?
Probably Fowler Tailing (the pack)?
Prefer Forgetting Tummy-size?
Way to go guys. Now that the dates are set, we can start planning our iteneraries. Does anybody know up front that they cannot make these dates?
OK guys , you can come out now, The Reunion will be July 25-26, 2003, in Philly, see you there


My garden is forcing me to learn how to make pickles........
Wassup SgtMaj???
Hey guys!! How is life around the USA? Sorry I havent gotten on sooner but been exceptionally busy working. Dale - Sorry about Cancun, I leave for Ixtapa on the 6th of August. I will let you know how it was down there. Little further south than you went. I hope everyones families are well and look forward to seeing all of you next year!!


Glad you had a good time Dale. Welcome back!
Hint: You know you're getting too old if you even THINK you get tired of looking at half naked women!!!!!!!! LOL,,,,,,,,
Southern Cali beaches still rule......
Sorry about the way the text got wrapped on my last post. I'll have
to learn to stop each line a little earlier so it doesn't get wrapped and broken
like it did. I know it is a lot easier to read when it isn't so jumbled.

We had a good time in Cancun but not so good that I'll go back. Least ways,
not any time soon. I think my next big vacation wil be up north of here. PA maybe.
Welcome Home Dale


Hello Guys. Yes george I'm back from the great vacation spot south of the border.
Everything wasn't as great as expected but I guess there is no such thing as a perfect
vacation spot is there? The hotel was nice (except for the lobby not being air conditioned),
I felt like I was taking a bath everytime I got in the pool (ain't pools supposed to be for
cooling off), did you ever think you would get tired of looking at half naked women at breakfast
( I didn't either and I didn't, but almost), the beaches ain't like the ones we played on in CA
and the waves were almost non-existant, Hey bartender mix me another weak margarita.
If I see one more Mexican standing around in the head wanting me to tip him after I take
a piss I think I'll piss on his shoes. Actually guys, I had a great time. The snorkling was
good but you really need to scuba if you want to truly enjoy the reefs down there. Maybe I
can get the family certified before we head down there next time. The babes on the
entertainment team at the hotel had it going on (nice visual entertainment but
you have to take it in short glances, it's not polite to stare you know. Enough vacation talk.

I see there has been all kinds of posting going on since the last time I checked in. I'll have
more to say later. Gotta go the wife wants the puter for work.
At least the weather's always nice here. NO SNOW!!!
1/16th Dowdrick. Welcome Aboard....LOL
Hope all had a nice weekend. TC, You there? Mik? Otto? zzzzzzzzzzzz
Wake me when we get there!!!!!! LOL


Nice hearing from you, Nelson. this Blog thing has it's occaisional problems,, ie. with posting , by lines, etc, but it seems to resolve them by itself, actually some geek somewhere has to do it, but ..........................
Dale should be regaling us with tales of his vacation soon.................
I hope the reunion turns out better than the mini-one..........................
The government of Massachusetts, SUCKS.....................................
Live Free Or Die, next place of official residence, whether I live there or not...........
First Willie Horton , now this, CA not much better..............................................
Crout, How are you?...........................................
Where the puck is Hennecke?.............................
Wow, try to get reggie while you were out here, guess I didn't try hard enough, sorry!
All kinds of BS going on with my kids and the X.
I really do want to talk to all of you guys, but I hate typing.
I,m getting to old to keep learning this new stuff, I only get to try it every now and then and I hope this one Post
I owe, I owe, So off to work I go!!!!!!!!


The snake got loose in Dan the Man's VW


BC's Grand Torino. Blow's Pimped out Regal!


Were not the Dragons a Drug Free Organization? LOL
"i didn't have sex with that woman".......Bill Clinton


you may not have been smokin it, thats right you didnt hold it either, but you can"t tell me you didnt inhale it, with a car that the windows were broke and couldnt go down, come on crocker this is your old buddy reg come on now fess up lol
Now, Now boys.


Pinkham, and T.C. went on that trip also, and it wasn't me smokin the dope


LOL !!!!
Blow U R Crazy!!!!!!!


whats up fellows the mailman is back in the saddle again just got back from a little R and R. Got all the way to harrisburg with my e-mail list and was going to call Michael paul and I didnt have his phone number only his e-mail address.didn"t have access to a computer like I thought I would have so he missed a oppertunity of being in my presence (sorry charley) ........(Thats a cool way of calling myself and IDIOT ):} All right did you girls have a good 4th of July holiday.Well good O.K. crocker we took some pictures of some guys in an old 79 buick on the highway reminded me of the time u, john, chuck ,dale went back east to see how much dope you could smoke in a week well I"m outta here


What's Up all?


I guess Andy Paul couldn't find a 'puter in the U.S.. Can't wait to get back to work,
so as I can rest a bit. Remodeling the kitchen, is a pain. Once it's done , it's cool,
but in progress......aarrrrrghhh. Need a vacation, to recover from this one, LOL.Did provide
the neighbor hood with some pyrotechnics on the fourth, procured on the way back from Dale's.
That 0351 school does have it's civilian applications.
I hope everyone had a happy and safe July 4th.


I'M assuming that you all are safe, and enjoying the Holiday


Have a Happy Safe, and Thought-filled Independence Day'
GOD Bless America


Is the reunion still on? I gotta put my vacation bid in early.
We're havin a Heat Wave....at least that's what they call
it here, four days over 90 degrees.
By George


the bylines seem to have dissappeared,, they will be back
still show up on the other page