1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Hello Guys. Yes george I'm back from the great vacation spot south of the border.
Everything wasn't as great as expected but I guess there is no such thing as a perfect
vacation spot is there? The hotel was nice (except for the lobby not being air conditioned),
I felt like I was taking a bath everytime I got in the pool (ain't pools supposed to be for
cooling off), did you ever think you would get tired of looking at half naked women at breakfast
( I didn't either and I didn't, but almost), the beaches ain't like the ones we played on in CA
and the waves were almost non-existant, Hey bartender mix me another weak margarita.
If I see one more Mexican standing around in the head wanting me to tip him after I take
a piss I think I'll piss on his shoes. Actually guys, I had a great time. The snorkling was
good but you really need to scuba if you want to truly enjoy the reefs down there. Maybe I
can get the family certified before we head down there next time. The babes on the
entertainment team at the hotel had it going on (nice visual entertainment but
you have to take it in short glances, it's not polite to stare you know. Enough vacation talk.

I see there has been all kinds of posting going on since the last time I checked in. I'll have
more to say later. Gotta go the wife wants the puter for work.