1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


TEN HUT!!!  Top - o - the morning Dragons,
Here's wishing all of you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving!  
Have Fun!
Semper Fi!


As I head out today to tutor some more students in the fine art of test taking, I just had to stop for a moment and wish my Brothers a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!   As several of our Brothers and Sisters are in harms way, we should all pause and thank God that we live in the Greatest Nation ever created !  God Bless America, God Bless The United States Marines, and may GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!


If nothing else, this should give everyone reason to pause and think...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTp_atr2G9E
As Walter said in comments below you can find similarities where ever you want. It is going to be one big wait and see thing. I do hope for the best, but face it, any politician would find these times difficult. I do see the ignorant populace celebrating, but hey, that happens on both sides everytime.
As for my situation, I am heartend by the fact that after ten years they've come up with a diagnosis, but I hold no illusions about the VA's ability to improve my situation. Most of the people in the detox program here are detoxifying from meds overproscribed by the VA. I'm sticking to NSAID s for now. We'll see.
It is scary to think where this country might be in few years if more people don't get involved and understand what's at stake.   But more importantly George, how are you doing?  Are the doctors doing anything good for you?


It's Going To Get Interesting

Glad to see this forum getting some use.
Otto, I spoke to my Tante Helga yesterday, and she gave the opinion that Obama and his rise to power are very similar to Hitlers. Poor economic times, international aggression, rising prices, etc. Next comes restricting freedom in the name of national security, wait we're doing that already.


So I'm thinking I should quit my job and let all the Socialists pay my bills.  What do you think?


I voted this morning, and couldn't help but wonder how many people actually bothered to really check out their choice.  Anyone who has studied the life of Adolf Hitler cannot possibly miss the striking similarity between him and Barack Obama.


We vote tomorrow!  Let us all hope and pray that the majority vote the right way.  I recently picked up a book by Ted Nugent titled: Ted, White and BLue.  Really quite interesting.  I seem to agree with him on a lot of his points.  One being that we should rely on ourselves more, and government less.  In other words, the kind of country envisioned by Obama and Hillary, will do nothing more than make us all slaves to the state.  As far as I'm concerned that is simply not acceptable.  The kind of help that I want from the government is to get out of my pay check and give me 100% unlimited free health care which I earned.  Anyway, I am looking forward to the next reunion and seeing all of you Leathernecks again!
Semper Fi!