1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Let's Try This Some More

Greetings Dragons and 81's,

It is with mixed emotions that I realise that it took the death of a Dragon to get most of us off our ass and resume communicating. A few of you have indicated a desire to Blog at this site, I'll be sending out invitations again. The e-mail you recieve will be from Blogger not me. It doesn't ask for any "real " information....thats one of the reasons I picked this service way back when,
when you had to pay for it.

Reunion News:

There will be one this coming summer. Mik is doing the Organising.There will be NO voting because it doesn't produce a result. there will be announcement from Mik within a couple of weeks with the timeline. What you all can do is help with a contact list, I'm sending this as an e-mail as well as a Blog post, check the addresses I sent it to, against what you have. and e-mail me back at nomorks@yahoo.com with any updates or omissions.
Semper Fi,