1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome

War was declared on the United States of America
8535 days, 9 hours, 12 minutes and 1 second ago.

Post this message on your website!



Hey Jarheads,
I hope everyone is having a productive week. I had a great 4-day holiday period with the boys and am preparing for a Captains interview this Friday. I know I won't get it but, "nothing ventured, nothing gained". Wish me luck anyway. I still have not heard from you West Coast guys with input on the reunion. Times a tickin'. I really need to talk to Andy because I need his assistance on some surprise activities for the reunion. I talked to Reggie this weekend and he and his family are doing well. Take care and Semper Fi as I remain......


PS Congrats on your new position Prof. Weidow.


What's up?

Hey there everybody sorry I have'nt been around for awhile . I'm still not a granpa yet but anyday now. My nephew is healing up well, I think the mental wounding was worse than the bullets. I can't wait to see you all and as far as a dog and pony show at Camp P. I can't wait to see some young hard charging Marines blow something up. I hope you all are well and have a safe holiday!!!


The Same

Have a productive week guys. Good to hear you're doing well Andy.

Semper Fi

Was Wandering Through Home Depot The Other Day

And was Faced With A dilemma:


Poney Tail..............Dead

Got the wind blowing over my scalp again. It eas a good idea, growing my hair for some kids with cancer, they need 10 inches, to make the wigs, but the thought of showing up on the JFK with a 7 inch mop hanging off my grape would just be, well, disrespectful. Hopefuly I, with my clan and Tynan, will be able to hook up with Andy next weekend. The JFK will be in NYC for Memorial Day, and maybe the guys from the middle states can do something then.


Greetings to my fellow Marines. I'm back in the good ole USA, and still have a little over 3 years of service left in me. George sent me instructions (again) on how to log on and post.
My wife will finally retire in Jan (23 years USN). Kids are all doing well here in the huge city of Jacksonville. We bought another house here, and I think we might actually stay here for awhile. I have not lived in any one house for more then 29 months straight, in the last 27 years. After my tour is up with this job, I'm done. The Eagle will fly away, the anchor will hit the bottom of the ocean, and I will explore the globe.

I hope all of you are doing well, and I look forward to seeing you at the next reunion.
When it comes to CamPen, do not worry about access. I know a few people here and there who will help us gain access to whatever you want. If the timing is right, I think you all would get a kick out of seeing a live raid, or a beach landing. Far different then the way we did it 25 years ago.

Semper Fidelis,



The Usual !

Have a productive week guys!!!!
I talked to a Lt. Colonel and he seems to think we can get access to Camp P. during the upcoming reunion. We will also have a color guard for the opening ceremony.

Semper Fi


Happy Mother's Day

For me, it's a day alone.