1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Food For Thought


Just Cute


Just a quick hello to everyone, 42 and soon to be a grandpa, still seems like a dream. I know a lot of us have'nt seen each other in years, or decades for that matter, but all that crazy crap we did seems more tangible than the granpa thing. No political comments today except that yes George our leaders are supposed to be representing our wishes and not their own political agendas. I'm a little loopy hurt my shoulder at work and I'll be damned if Percoset dosent just take away the pain theres the added bonus of a mild buzz. Take care one and all, Dave my cousin is moving back to San Diego and since shes more like a sister than anything else I'm sure I will be down your way before the reuion maybe we can get together.
Semper Fi


A Thread From Canada

Not Leaders...Representatives

Leaders Emerge, they are not elected, they don't solicit for their post, and usually are forced into some official position long after their ability to lead has been demonstrated. the Congress and the Senate, are rife with people who have their own agenda and fail to adhere to their oath, the same one that we took , ie: to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and Domestic.
Congress has no business in baseball or the Terri Schiavo case.
As for the method.....some murdering rapist P.O.S. gets the needle and whether or not he suffers, it's over in less than five minutes, but this poor gal has to starve to death, fair is fair, shouldn't the deathrow inmate suffer the same death as a law abiding citizen? Or does killing citizens give you some kind of bennie?
Just my take on the whole thing....it all stinks of posturing and politics

Gully Has Got A Point


Look out he's got a soapbox and I think it's loaded!

Well my friends it looks as if our LEADERS?!? in congress are up to imporant matters again. First it was baseball and steriod abuse now they are using that poor woman in Florida to pay back all the right wing folks for their support during the election. If they were all so worried about the quality of life then why do thousands of children go hungry, why do the elderly have to choose between food medicine or heat? I know you all probly think I'm some liberal commie or something but it's just my opinion. Once again I wish you all well and thanks for all your prayers and thoughts for the young Marine nephew.

Yo Woody, Impress Your Friends

You see that little Icon, that ABC over a Check Mark?
Thats called spell-check, click on that and it will walk you thrugh your whole post asking if you want to leave it the same or change the spelling of a word. It doesn't do punctuation though.
Glad to hear that the nephew is doing better.


What the hell happened to Woody?!

Hey here I am. Sorry it's been awhile but you know what Lennon said "Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans. The nephew is doing alot better, healing mentaly and physicly, God one of these days I've got to learn how to spell. The grand baby is due at the end of May can't wait!! I hope all is well with everyone like Dale said in one of his last posts 07 is coming fast. I've gotten at least 1 81 involved in the blog hopefully I'll be able to contact more.
As before Iwish you and your's all the joy this world has to offer!!!!!!!!!


Protect The Jewels


Whazz Crackin ?

Saw your post Mike but it did not open so while we know all is well in PA, that's all we know. I hope you and yours are doing fine. The left coast is in it's usual state of disarray...LOL... I hope everyone has a great weekend. Also, as usual...

Semper Fi,



All's well in PA

Yes, it's true-a rare posting from the Keystone state. Hope all are well--George, I'm glad you're still doing OK (except for that pony-tail thing). Hi to Dave B, Dale , Andy, Stephen T, Steven B, Dowdrick, TC, Hennecke and all others. Megan will be graduating from UVA in May after five long and expensive years (BS in Biology, BS in Psychology, MS in Edu.). She taught a high school biology class for the first semester this year and hopes to land a teaching job upon grad. Unfortunately for me, she really fell in love with that VA area near Charlottesville and is looking to stay in that area for a while. Molly just had her tonsils and adenoids taken out so she's taking this week off and recovering-Dad's on nurse duty today- other than that she's doing good. She'll be driving in less than two months--my,my babies grow up fast.Cathy also is doing good and says "hi". Winter is still hanging on here by a thread but we all have a taste for the warmth and rebirth that is just around the corner. Flowers have been popping up through the snow, robins and a bluebird or two have returned, the whitetail bucks have all lost their antlers so they can start growing new ones, the migratory geese have begun heading north, and the surest sign of spring of all --a hot chick in a short plaid skirt and legs to die for walking down the street the other day. Halters and shorts can't be far off!
I guess that's all for now. Everyone have a good week and stay healthy. Talk to you soon.


This Tics Me Off


I'm A Friggin' Genius.....mainly cuz I figgerd out how to do this and post it

I am 16% Idiot.
Friggin Genius
I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.

Rules Of Engagement


Ok, So I missed a few days!!!!!!

OK,OK, George,
How the hecks it going? I hope everyone is having a productive week. Been kinda busy dealing with life issues lately. Always time to say hello though. As usual, "Semper Fi", and take care as I remain.......



My Kid Blogs More Than All Of You Put Together

Tay's BlogWassup? Any plans for the reunion? WTF happened to Woody? How is Cpl Powell?Andy in the "Stan" yet? Should I have a safe and productive week? How are any of you doing? I sent out a rollcall e-mail a while back, and got nada. We all used to stand in formation for ten minutes just say here, and none of you can spend 90 seconds to type I'm OK? Use the comments part, It's quicker. HELLO anyone out there?