1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Ever have one of those days?
So you are trying to download, and your computer does this...
Have you ever been That tired?


Good one George!
Where can I order one of those for my kitchen?


A little Risque, but so.....
About time somebody said something!


BlahBlahBlah! You guys are just too much fun.


Hey Guys,
Hope you all have a nice weekend!




Have a good week everyone!


Still Looking good after All them Years



How come Gunny Bill gets away with, Andy? That's not fair.

Missed you Andy Paul


Glad you all had a good time and I'm sorry I had to miss it. Pictures all look great, but it is looking like I will have to form you all up for some PT.
I've decided to stay 3 more years in Okinawa so I will not leave her until 2007, and that will take me to 29 years. My wife just made Chief in the navy (E7), so retirement should be good.

Its hard to believe that most of you have been out of the Corps for 20 years. I'm sneaking up on 25 and still kicking. Im moving next month to become the Futenma Air Station SgtMaj.

Take care, and I will be there in 08 - That will be the year I retire with 30 years.

Semper Fidelis,

SgtMaj Andy P Crout (Andy to all except Hennecke)


Hoose dat' dere FarFightr!


Wow! What a weekend.I will never forget it. Thanks guys, you are truely special.

Lots of laughs



It will take awhile to get used to typing again

Thanks Guys, the Philly thing was great, I appreciate your interest
After Dinner Photo

Amateur editing-101

Outstanding job, Mik. Take a bow

Good to know that George

Pete, you're memory must be failing in your old age. You
don't recognize Micheal Mulcahy? Here's another qestion
for you. Who is that bald guy with glasses with his
arm wrapped around the shoulders of the semi-bald guy
with glasses in the picture below?

Welcome back George.


I live



Sgt. Estes


TC did make it as you can see from the picture below that
Steve posted. Sgt G has some medical problems that
prohibited him from attending. Keep him in your thoughts
and prayers.

When I can find a few spare moments, I will post some pics
on the web site. I'll probably just create a new page for the
reunion pics. Soon very soon.

It seems that Laborde isn't making an effort to stay in contact
with us. We had his email and contact info early on but I believe
it has all changed and Dan says he never returns calls that he has
placed to him. Kind of hard to believe he doesn't still love us all
isn't it? Maybe his wife doesn't approve. Or maybe he just stays
really busy and just doesn't make the effort. Chuck isn't much better
when it comes to making his presence known electronically. Oh well,
some of us have it in front of us often, the computer I mean, and it is
real easy to maek a little effort. If I didn't sit in front of one all day long
I wonder how much I would be online?

Good night all, or good day if this is Wednesday.

A little more of Mike than I intended to photograph


I just arrived home last night, 2330 to be precise, after a fun week in DC,
after our grand weekend in Philly. Thanks everone for being there as you
said you would. It was truly a great time. I can't wait for the next one on
the west coast.

You should have put your political protest on hold and flown over Pete. You
would have enjoyed yourself and President Bush never would have known
you came. Thanks for forwarding the message from Capt. gwilliams. (LOL)




You guys still nursing hangovers?..LOL
Have a Good Week!


'08 will be an attempt at a company reunion, if Brune can assemble any 81s
in the next 5 years.(if noone objects of course)