1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Hey Woody!!!

Sorry I did not get back to you over the weekend.
My address is:
841 E. Van Koevering St.
Rialto, Ca. 92376
Have a good week Leathernecks and as always......

Semper Fi



What's new Leathernecks. Just a line to say hello. Talked to Steven B. lately and he's doing fine. We are trying to coordinate ideas for the reunion. Have a good week and as always....

Semper Fi



It's been awhile since I've logged on so I thought I'd say howdy. All is well in the Wood household, my son's baseball team has won their first two games. My nephew is doing real well you would hardly know from looking at him that he almost lost his leg. I apologize to any of you who may have received a less than coherent phone call from me. I seem to have pulled my head out so don't fear the sound of the phone ringing. As allways I remain your brother and fellow jarhead.