1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome

War was declared on the United States of America
8602 days, 10 hours, 7 minutes and 2 seconds ago.

Post this message on your website!


Well, u go away for a couple days and all sorts of news hits.
Otto, you are on the prayer list as of now. Andy, I think Lejune
sounds like a great place for the next reunion. Thanks for
the suggestion Mr. Crout. How's that sound to your sooon
to be civilian ears. Or is your leave already over and you r
officially retired?
Lejeune is only 8 hours away from my place so I am big
on this location. I can even detour and see Trevor as we
drive past Charleston. Actually, we are heading up there
the second weekend of October for Parents Weekend. They
have all kinds of activities set up for the weekend. A Friday
football game, Trevor and the other Knobs become official
Cadets instead Cadet Recruits. We are excited about getting
to see him again.

How about Reunion 2008, Operation Repeat.