1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Good Afternoon to all from a very comfortable 74 degree Ca.
Nice to see a little more participation lately on the Blog.
Best wishes to you and your Dad Nelson. My 95 year old grandfather is going through demensia
and is very disheartening when he doesn't recognize me, just apart of life I suppose.
Stephen T., I would think your daughter would need the protection of her father while
visiting a distant State. Maybe you could offer to arm wrestle Marlette for the trip. Is her
family still in the area?
Pete, I end up back in the Corps ever once in awhile in dreams. Most re-ups are good
except when I end up with my gear all moth eaten and its time for an inspection.
Maybe I have unresolved issues.
Hey Dave, rather disappointing watching the Lakers limp out onto the court lately.
Dale, maybe you should keep your wife away from the home improvement cable
channels, Diane went through the redecorating mode about a year ago. It costs
money and sleep.
Y'all have a good weekend.
Semper Fi.
Oh yeah, my Nephew graduates from Airforce bootcamp today, 6 weeks of pure heck.
What the hell could you learn in 6 weeks? Oh well I'm still proud he's doing his part.
Steven B.