1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Otto - Sorry to hear about your health situation. I'm sure there is a way to beat your problems, and whatever that is, you will find it. Just like you found that pen when the PLT Sgt asked for a PFC to volunteer to be the house mouse, and you raised your hand faster then I ever seen you move. Serious though, I wish and pray for the very best for you and your family.

If enough of you all want to come to Camp Lejeune, Im sure we could find enough to do on base. Possibly tour the new aircraft, such as the Osprey, and visit with some Marines just getting back from the war. We could also do a dinner in a very unique bar in town that has one of the best collections of historical USMC gear that you will ever find. Hotels are very resonable in town.
