1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome

War was declared on the United States of America
8602 days, 9 hours, 57 minutes and 35 seconds ago.

Post this message on your website!


Hi Andy, Or should I say "SHOWER SHOE"!!!
I've got your boot, and then some! The job at Home Depot went the way many corporate jobs go. I had had an accident a few years back, in which a woman totalled my car while I was driving it. As a result I suffered a broken neck and some brain damage. (Go ahead, I've heard them all by now). Anyway I was not aware of the seriousness of the injuries at the time. As a result, the condition got worse as time went on. Ultimately I saw several Neoro surgeons and other types of head and neck doctors. Basically they all said the same thing. The job at Depot was literally killng me. My job at Depot required that I spend on average 4 to 6 hours a day driving from store to store. For those of you that have never been to NYC, that translates to about 50 to 60 miles all total. Anyway, the constant jarring, the pot holes, having to look every which way in traffic was exacerbating the situation with my neck. The injury in my brain consists of several pieces of scar tissue that are getting bigger and bigger. That in and of itself isn't really a problem. The problem is that some of them have grown around one of the veins and are steadilly restricting it more and more. As a result, some of the other veins are enlarging to make up the difference in blood flow. When I inquired about having surgery, the consensus is that the surgery would probaly leave me dead or at least brain dead. I asked one of the doctors who is a very "Down to Earth" type of person what is the best that I could hope for. He told me that the best thing would be for an airplane engine to fall on me while I'm out and about. How is that the best thing I asked. Well he says, you'll be dead and permanently out of pain, your family inherits all the insurance money and then can sue the airlines for millions of dollars so they'll be set for life. So, I asked Home Depot to let me change jobs, so that I could work in one store, thus very little driving, and I would have a more normal schedule and a life. The job of District Safety Manager was taking on average 80 to 90 hours a week. They offered to let me work in the phone room, but I would have to agree to revert back to my hourly pay from when I started in '97. I gave them a brisk salute with appropriate salutation, did my best About Face and left. As it turns out, it was for the better anyway. I'm back to teaching, which is something that I love to do. The pay is very good, and I get to write my own schedule. I work at Princeton Review teaching HS students how to beat the PSAT, the SAT, and the ACT. On the college grad level I teach the GRE and the LSAT. So now you are as up to date as I can get you.
Having the re-union at Camp Lejune sounds like a good idea. I'm glad you are willing to take the lead, unlike the Andy I knew in 1/9 who was costantly straggling and following behind the rest of us. Way To Go!!!