Good Morning
Thanks for the picture Andy. I guess that almost makes
you famous. HaHa I took the liberty of resizing the picture
so we could view it without scrolling all over the place. Why
is it that the Colonel has so many more ribbons on his chest
than you? Does it have something to do with his Commands
or is there just more opportunity as an officer to earn another
As I said before Dave. Anytime you are ready for a visit to
Hotlanta just give me a shout. The spare room is always
available if you care to stay with friends. And that goes for
any of you other guys too. Denise would love to take you out
and give you a taste of whatis available here in the hottest spot
in all of the southeast U.S.
Congrats on the G'baby Woody !!!! WooWoo!! Have you started
shopping for walkers yet. For you I mean, not the baby. Being
a grandfather and all.
George says he is liking it living up in the woods of Massachusetts.
People are so layed back and helpful of one another. He stopped off
at someones house to pick up some eggs cause they had a sign out on
the road. He says he got up to the porch of the house and there was
one of those small refridgerators with a sign that says, 'Eggs inside,
take what you want and leave the money. ' There was a small bowl on
top of the fridge with cash laying in it. It is refreshing to know there are
still places you can go where people still trust others to do what is right.
Put that same situation in downtown Atlanta or L.A. and it would all be
gone in short order. The eggs, the cash and the refridgerator too. Anyway,
george is still trying to work something out to get back online. He says he
might have to settle for 'dial-up'.
Semper Fi
you famous. HaHa I took the liberty of resizing the picture
so we could view it without scrolling all over the place. Why
is it that the Colonel has so many more ribbons on his chest
than you? Does it have something to do with his Commands
or is there just more opportunity as an officer to earn another
As I said before Dave. Anytime you are ready for a visit to
Hotlanta just give me a shout. The spare room is always
available if you care to stay with friends. And that goes for
any of you other guys too. Denise would love to take you out
and give you a taste of whatis available here in the hottest spot
in all of the southeast U.S.
Congrats on the G'baby Woody !!!! WooWoo!! Have you started
shopping for walkers yet. For you I mean, not the baby. Being
a grandfather and all.
George says he is liking it living up in the woods of Massachusetts.
People are so layed back and helpful of one another. He stopped off
at someones house to pick up some eggs cause they had a sign out on
the road. He says he got up to the porch of the house and there was
one of those small refridgerators with a sign that says, 'Eggs inside,
take what you want and leave the money. ' There was a small bowl on
top of the fridge with cash laying in it. It is refreshing to know there are
still places you can go where people still trust others to do what is right.
Put that same situation in downtown Atlanta or L.A. and it would all be
gone in short order. The eggs, the cash and the refridgerator too. Anyway,
george is still trying to work something out to get back online. He says he
might have to settle for 'dial-up'.
Semper Fi
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