1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


A few ?S

Well howdy folks hope you all had a good holiday, Dave good luck on the Captain thing I'm sure you would make a wonderful "Skipper"!

I was wondering if any of you had an opinion on the Minute man project going on in the west out here. I can't understand why "W" and a lot of our leaders don't want to back this. It would seem to me that any American has the right to protect their home"country". Could it be that corporate amer. Wants to keep cheap labor, and that through political contributions our leaders want to keep them happy. If you have read anything I've posted over the last year you know I'm a fairly "liberal" kind of guy, but on this issue it has nothing to do with politics. After Sept. 11 I would have thought our leaders would take every precaution, but like I said before it seems as if money may be more important than safety. I know some people would quote the plaque on the statue of liberty. At the risk of sounding like an isolationist I'm not so sure we need the worlds retched, and poor. Granted in the 1880's we needed to populate this country and build,
but now I think we might have our fill. If you wanted to become a citizen of the land down under a rather progressive country like ours you have to prove you have skills that you can contribute to that society. Anyway since I titled this post in the plural.
Paper or plastic? I remain as allways your brother and fellow jarhead.

P.S. I'm still waiting to claim the title Grandpa. Any day now