1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Back To The SP2 Thing

My new version of XP has the SP2 package with it, and it works great, Firewall and all, I would still caution anybody not to download the update without having the disks to start over. If you have misplaced your disks (as I had) don't risk it.

As for my health, my body evidentaly don't get along with drugs, all the stuff they have given me since I was diagnosed with high BP has crippled me. I'm doing OK now
back to work and all that. But Doctors as a rule SUCK. Only my latest has listened to me. Try taking almost a year with no income. Hurts.
Woody, I hope your nephew is recovering in good fashion, we appreciate his service.
If he has an e-mail address we could extend the invataion to blog, I'm sure the Dragons would welcome his view.