1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Sex is in the air

To all my northeast brothers a note of caution. Along with the changing colors of the leaves, the shorter days and colder nights, another change is in the air. No longer concerned with lounging in some thicket awaiting the next mealtime, God's greatest wild creation-Odecolious Virginianus-the whitetailed deer, is now on a new mission. The continuation of the species. And as November ushers in the breeding season, a time of the celebration of life, it is also a time of death. A million and a half deer vs vehicle collisions every year, billions in insurance claims for damages and hundreds of lives lost. Be aware, the deer are on the move. Bucks are traveling far and wide in search of estrous does, and does are running ragged avoiding all the potential suitors. Hunters (like me) are also keeping them on the move. If you live in deer country, now is a good time to really be watching out for them. Just as we kill them, they too can kill us. The only difference is that when we kill them--WE MAKE JERKY. Don't worry Dave, as soon as lead meets flesh I'll have some headed out your way. This post comes to you from the Keystone state where the colored leaves are falling and both flaura and fauna are preparing for the long, harsh winter that is to come. God bless all my Dragon brothers (Woody too), I hope you are all well. Mik