1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Serious as a Heart Attack
I take it that I'm the first(hopefully the only) one of our unit
to experience this adventure.
So Here's the play by play
I was feeling like crap for well over a month, a clogged artery will do that.
Last Sunday , I was on the couch trying to digest the lunch, when I felt the need to puke.
Off to the head.......after depositing my fine fare in the porcelain bowl,
it seemed that a weight had been applied to my chest and arms (down to the elbows)
Had I looked up and spied a naked woman all would have been good, however, there
was none to be found. I was alone and actually heard my self say out loud......
"I'm having a fucking heart attack" I would clean up the text, but you all know I said "fuckin"
First thing I did was put some jeans on.....don't want some corpsman haulin my ass out in my skivvies. Then I did the 911 thing, made it easy for them...." I'll be the one on the porch having a heart attack"
They were quick enough and very thorough, got me to the ER working in a professional and calm manner(same thing right?)
Went right in , and thats where the fun part started.
Thing were going smoothly until I started to lose consciousness, I brought this to everyone's attention, although I'm sure they had a better grasp of the situation than I.
Things got dim for a moment, but then I got to hear those words.......................
" charge to 300 joules.......CLEAR........."
They must have 12 foot ceilings in the ER cuz my nose didn't get broken.
We're talking milliseconds, but it seemed a lot longer than that.
and by the way......You end up with an empty digestive system.....
makes sense now, just never crossed my mind before. God bless the cute little thing that cleaned me up after that.
Any way....Off to a quick angioplasty, and then to CICU.
Mon AND Tue are a blur, all set by Fri
Little damage over all, new Meds, good to go
Death loses , this time.