1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

Hello fellow Jarheads,

I was just sitting here trying to figure out how long I need to stay at work this afternoon and thought about the BLOg and how long it has been since I even looked at it. I didn't even attempt to look back and see when the las6t time was I posted anything. Good wishes to all in this new year from the sweet southeast capitol of Georgia. Things have been going well for the Martin clan. I just finished another remodeling project. Now we have a new looking upstairs bath. It all started out as a repair job for some tiles that had fallen off the wall. Denise says, "While you're at it......." And the next thing you know we have a new bathroom. The master bath is next.

As soon as I finish everything I think I'll submit pictures to Better Homes & Gardens. I guess they'll be waiting on those pictures. A man's work is never done.

Baseball is fixin to start soon. We'll see how that goes. If Trevor doesn't make the team this year he says he is going to switch to tennis. Austin has started working out with a wrestling team. He seems to like it alright. We haven't ventured out to any of the weekend competitions yet, so I guess that is next on the agenda.

What happened to you last night Woody? I was standing there talking to a dead phone. Did you pass out?