1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Out Houses

Read this post at Acidman Remember that 9 hole head they had out there At the DMZ in Korea? Marine or not, I was never fond of community crapping. Anyway,I made the mistake , on my first use, to wait until late to make the trip. See, you really need the other 8 guys to cover the other eight holes or else that 20 below hawk comes and blows up your butt. Not to mention that the turtle does his pull the head back thing, and it's all you can do to try and pee downward. I always waited for the busy time of day after that, if there was a line, even better, it meant all the holes were covered.
As A side note, the tech side of taking a leak in sub-zero weather is slide your warm, just de-gloved hand inside yuor waistband to your trousers, then before you un button the garage door, have everything aimed and ready, if you are lucky you'll be done before "shrinkage" results in dribble, just where you don't really want ice to form.