1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Wow! You leave this Blog alone for just a few days and it it amazing to come on and read the commentary,
comments and opinions that everyone shares.

Pete, it is interesting reading a 'different' opinion than the typical one that we see from almost everyone else that
posts on this Blog, but interesting is the best that I'll give your post. When you speak about the UN Charter and
international law, though they have a place in world politics, you must keep in mind that our first responsibility as
Americans is to look out for the United States and our own soveriegn national needs. What has Saddam Hussien
been doing for the last twenty years, or should we get more specific and say the last ten, when he refused to abide
by the UN resolutions that he agreed to and signed. Was that 'trampling underfoot internatinal law' or was that justified
because he was being unduly coerced by 'A large and powerful nation has launched an act of aggression against a sovereign
state.' As George put it, "How many times do you have to get kicked in the gonads before you make the other guy stop?"
The time for inspections and 'free unfettered access for further inspections' has come and gone and there are times when
righteous aggression is needed to stop further acts of immoral aggression by persons such as Saddam. Check out the
Old Testament, since you are using it as reference material, and you will find many instances where God told his people,
that would be the ancestors of present day Israel, to kill'em all when they were fighting against immoral aggressors. I'm not
trying to say that principle applies to present day Iraq, but just trying to make the point that righteous aggression is sometimes a
necessary thing. I use the term righteous aggression not to make the point that the U.S. is always right, but in a rather
general way to differentiate from rogue aggressions by the Saddams of the world.

I believe the relevant time of the UN has come and gone, and the best interest of the U.S. would be served if we removed ourselves
from the charter. (Just as the best interests of the early founders of this great country, were served when they removed themselves
from the control of their mother country.) Will that happen? I hardly think so but fantasy isn't always a bad thing.

Steve B. and family, I pray that God comforts you during your time of grief and brings you together to strengthen and support
one another. We hurt with you and all sympathize with your pain.

Semper Fi and see you in July. Have any of you called and made your reservations yet? Only 125 days and a wake up.