1st Bn., 9th Mar., Dragon Plt. Weblog

A Bulletin Board for 1/9 Dragons and that 81(Woody) more are welcome


Germany would be Russia if it were not for the good ole USA. We can talk all day about the history of countries,
but how does that help now. Now is the time when Countries will step up and take action to defeat those that
wish the peaceful nations harm. Counties like Germany and France will try and sound like players on the global stage.
They will continue to try and manipulate the actions of others. However, the majority of the worlds powers are firmly
behind the USA. We have the moral authority, and thankfully we have a President who leads by his convictions.
Unlike the German honcho who sucked up to the extremists just to get elected. Pete, I do know that the majority
of the good people of Germany are against your leader. However, you get what you pay for just like we did for 8 years of Billary.

In the end, France will show is yellow stripes, and back down from its current position. Because we all know that France
is a coward and will lack the spine to try and go it alone. They are in our pockets.

The people of Iraq we thank us within the next three weeks. Thank God for the US Marines

Dave - how about them lakers. 21-7 in the last 28 games.